Not Common But Effective Free Marketing

We all know the many "free" traffic producing avenues. We all know about free classified ads, traffic exchanges, web site submitters, banner exchanges, link exchanges, but how many of you have ever thought of this FREE traffic avenue! In the past I have tried, I think, every free method of advertising, and have also had some success with the variety of free advertising resources. I have also tried different paid advertising sources. They have been very effective in building my business, but many times have proven to costly,especially when you are just starting out in a new business. So I was always on a quest to find new and better ways to advertise. Then I met a person on line with the secret!!

Now, your probably wondering what I could possibly be referring to when I claim to have a source of free advertising that is not commonly practiced. What could I possibly be doing to bring traffic to my website that many other marketers are not prating. What do I know that most of you don't know. Well, I am going to give you the secret right now!

Some time ago, I met a person who was pretty effective in online advertising. After many email correspondences, and being told of all the free ways to advertise, he confided in me. He told me one of the most effective, and FREE, ways to advertise your business is to write articles. At that time I thought he was crazy!! Writing articles? How on earth can writing articles promote my business? After I corresponded with this person, I discovered the "how" in my question. He gave me alot of incite into this method of adverting. Now I will share this knowledge with you!

Here is the hidden source of traffic in writing an article. When I have completed the article, I write a few sentences about myself and include my website address or email address. (Please see bottom of this article for an example.) Ok, what do I do after I write an article? There are many ezine owners that would love to print your article. Search out ezines that would fit the category in which your article would be of interest to the readers. Contact the owner. Or you can find places that you can submit your article to which is like a data base for ezine owners to go to when looking for content for their newsletter.

Secondly, there are webmasters who would love to put your article on their site. By using your article, they don't have to do all the "pencil pushing" work, and they get good content for the web site. If the have a good web site, with alot of good info then they will get more visitors, and happy visitors at that! Meanwhile these people will read your article and some of them will visit your web site. In this way, you are giving something to someone and getting something in return....FREE traffic. Placing these articles in as many places as you can find will increase the number of visitors to your site.

What can you write about? Anything!! Write about anything you can. Maybe you have some good cooking tips. Write an article about your tips. Find appropriate web sites, newsletters, and ezines to submit the article to. Or maybe you are a mechanic, and can give some do it yourself tips. Write out your tips, and again find appropriate places to submit your article to. Maybe you don't feel like you have anything to write about. How about the vacation spot you visited last summer? Write a review! You see there is so much information on the web. There are so many sites looking for content about such a variety of topics, you can write about anything and find places to submit your article.

Now stop and think about it! If you know anything about ezines, you will know some of them have 1,000's and 10's of thousands of readers. Some may only have hundreds of readers, but multiple that by 5 or 10 and the number of folks being exposed to your web site is quite alot! Now maybe your are starting to see why writing articles are such a good source of free traffic! So Get Started!

Gather your thoughts

Write out notes

Check your spelling and grammar

Write using details and descriptive word.

Search for editors and webmasters wanting your article

Submit you article to the databases

Place the article on your own web page and advertise the free info!

Be creative

I hope this information has been helpful to you. I hope you will put this information to work for you. I hope you will discover for yourself the wonderful marketing tool writing articles can be for you. Above all I hope you can look back one day and say like I do, "Boy am I glad that guy shared this information with me!" I am so thankful for that person taking the time to teach me about writing articles. He spent time and effort teaching me. Now I hope with the time and effort I have taken to write this, I have taught you something you will appreciate.

Please keep in mind, the keep to be a success in any business you need patience! A business takes time to grow.You must be willing to stick with it. Begin your business with giving it at least 1 year. One full year of dedicated commitment. Work and Patience will pay off! If I can be of any help to you in your online marketing endeavors, drop me an email

All Success to you + God Bless,
Tracy Finney

Tracy Finney has been learning the do's and don'ts of online marketing since the year 2000. She is a Stay at Home Mom, and successful Marketer. Check out her web site
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