Employee Induction - Are you Inducting your People - A Practical How To

In today's fast paced marketplace it is easy to neglect the small important things!

Recently we assisted an organisation prove they had complied with their obligations in inducting their employee. The employee tried to bring a claim for severe stress against the business. If substantiated this may have resulted in the business having been found to be breaching proven human resource management guidelines and face a large payout.

The business was able to demonstrate a clear process of induction and was exonerated!

We are all busy today. The temptation is that you hire someone and put them straight to work; after all there are bills to pay, customers to service, paperwork, sales, marketing and on goes the list. You can protect your business from risk and claims!

What is Induction?

Induction is where you (manager or business) introduce your new employee to the workplace environment, work colleagues, employment conditions, policies and procedures and customs and practices of your business.

What should the Induction process include?

We recommend that you have an Induction Checklist! This assists in facilitating the process and at the conclusion of Induction both you and your employee sign off.

Induction Checklist

We recommend your Induction Checklist should contain key employee and employer responsibilities as;

? hours of work

? payroll

? employee responsibilities

? pilfering policies

? private use of email and the Internet

? occupational health and safety

? personal safety

? client / employee relationships

? grievance procedures

? performance systems

? organisational chart

? anti-discrimination and harassment prevention policy

? Other relevant human resource policies and procedures.

The Induction Process

The induction process can be conducted in such a manner as to maximize each persons time. A suggested method we use with our clients includes

? Introducing the employee to other colleagues

? Sitting the employee in an office by themselves

? The employee reads your policies and procedures

? The employee reads other necessary documentation

During this time you can be about your normal work. The employee normally would take an hour to read the material.

Once the employee is finished bring them into your office and go through the induction form point by point asking the employee if they understood the process and ticking off each section as you go.


At the end of your Induction get your employee to sign the Induction Form and include a statement such as 'I confirm that these policy and procedures have been discussed with me and I understand and agree to comply with my obligations under these policies and procedures. I acknowledge that I have been inducted into my position'.

Final Comment

In our experience failing to induct an employee by taking an hour or so out of your day is like hitting your head with a hammer when trouble comes ? a real headache!

The onus is on you to prove you provided an induction process. You can protect your business.

This process goes a long way towards minimising misunderstanding and if your employee becomes forgetful show them the induction sign-off.

For more information and our free monthly ezine visit www.biz-momentum.com

Philip Lye is Director of Biz Momentum Pty Ltd and provides professional management services for business

? Strategic Human Resource Management ? Employee Relations Advice ? Workplace Health & Safety Compliance Strategies ? Management Skills Training

Philip holds qualifications in Accounting, Leadership, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations and is a qualified accountant.

Prior to starting Biz Momentum Philip began his working life as a junior clerk in a bank. He progressed through various industries to Chief Executive Officer. Philip has had experience in small to national and global companys with significant international experience. Vistit http://www.biz-momentum.com

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