Uncover Free Veins Of Gold By Prospecting Online Guru Newsletters (Part 1 of 2)

Incredible as it sounds, you have a goldmine of free business advice and resources available to you for starting an online business. Many entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the unbelievable opportunity of financial independence by starting an Internet business.

Over 300,000 individuals already are on the Internet earning enough income to quit their regular jobs and live a lifestyle of their choosing. You can too!

How do you start? First ask yourself a question, "Would I jump into the middle of the ocean if I didn't know how to swim?" No matter what your background is or what kind of business you intend to start online, you absolutely have to obtain enough knowledge relating to Internet business to be successful.

Almost all online newsletters that you can subscribe to are free and come in your e-mail. They contain pieces of the Internet business puzzle that will enable your success. This is a fact --- believe it. All Internet experts (gurus) are stumbling over each other to get you on their sign-up list. This ultimately permits them to promote and sell their products to you.

But, in order to get you interested and signed-up, they must first give you something for free. They are very happy to share knowledge with you that is practical and helpful. They sell their "elite and complete knowledge" of a topic and give you little chunks of good information from the "elite" product little by little in each successive newsletter.

What the experts give you for free, are newsletters that always contain bits and pieces of the "elite" package of their knowledge, ideas, and advice. If you read enough different newsletters from enough different gurus, you will be able to glean enough information to feel comfortable at starting an Internet business.

Most people who are going to start an Internet business need a better income and have very little money to invest in an Internet business. If you are wealthy, hire a mentor for $3000 and go to it. Others like us have to be conservative with our cash.

Picking the right business for yourself is not always easy. Most people have talents, passions, and knowledge relating to certain areas of interest. It could be just a hobby that you have been spending time on for years. Pick something that drives your passion.

Doing that will help you focus on the experts who write newsletters or articles (called ezines) relating to your ideas for a business.

Subscribe to and read as many newsletters published on your topic as you can. Because you will be obtaining small bits of information at a time, it will take a while to become comfortable with starting the business you are looking at. Persistence is necessary.

If you want a quick fix and fast income right away, you might want to look at the statistics concerning the 95% failure rate of new businesses on the Internet. It's a fact.

Yes, many other ways of getting started hit the Internet daily. Some are free and some are very expensive. Trust your gut feeling and lock on to one that appears to fit your way of doing things. So what, if you have to switch to another approach down the line.

You undoubtedly will subscribe to newsletters to keep up with the frequent changes in the Internet marketplace and how it works. So why not start there to begin with?

Newsletters are normally a tremendous source of reliable information. Almost every business on the Internet has many newsletters available to assist you in your business. They not only are there to help you get started, but also to keep you going successfully.

Success depends on marketing your business, promoting products, finding ways to get customers to your site and to purchase something.

Advertising, starting your own newsletter, finding niche areas and products, obtaining software, how-to information, and being your own webmaster are a few of what you may need. Free newsletters exist for every business support feature.

Part 2 of this article outlines the specific benefits and fantastic value of newsletters to any Internet business.

Copyright 2005 All Rights Reserved

The author, Curtis Graham, is president of L. & C. Internet Enterprises, Inc. For over 38 years in medical practice he has written articles, medical information products for his patients, a book on infertility, and marketing information for his practice. He has been published in Modern Physician, an elite magazine for physician executives.

Retirement from medicine now permits expansion of his desire to continue helping people by writing pertinent, practical, and detailed articles about many topics. Check out the website that he and his wife share with a passion:


Please feel free to copy, send, distribute, or make this article available to others that might be interested. In doing so you agree to leave the author's bio and article intact.

Copyright 2005, Curtis Graham, MD, L & C Internet Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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