A War on SPAM: Attacking The Evil

As most small, medium and large businesses in this country have seen the SPAM Emails have hurt our productivity and caused excessive costs.

Here are a few very interesting web links on this issue and the FTC report on SPAM to Congress.


http://www.technewsworld.com /story/32739.html


It is true that a DO NOT SPAM list is not going to fly, it would simply be used by the SPAMMERS. So then we need a plan of attack. Literally. It was recently estimated that SPAM is costing American Businesses over 54 Billion a year in lost productivity. We need to take out SPAM.

Remember in the movie "Rambo" where Sly went into the Communications tent with a 50 Caliber Machine Gun in his arms and destroyed the communication systems? Well, then how about Navy Seals, Green Barets, Special Forces, SWAT Teams, in black helicopters lower down the ropes and take out the evil do'ers, which are causing this distrust in our systems of communications. A limited war on SPAM taken to those who wish to disrupt all we are and all we have built, we have come to far and sacrificed too much to allow a melt down of our society due to SPAM.

Any civilization to succeed needs proper systems of commmunication, transportation, distribution, education, common currency-unit of trade and that which is needed to sustain life. When any of these are disrupted the whole of that civilization is at risk. We cannot allow this to continue, we need a war on SPAM, similar to the war on drugs. Attack the VR world by attacking those systems used by Spammers in the real world. By attacking these things early on, we send out a message to the Spammers that we mean business. There will be cheering in the streets every time the number of SPAM mail goes down.

It is an act of terrorism to send out SPAM, and SPAM which is coming from outside the country on servers in China, Nigeria, Caribean, or anywhere in the world is a form of International Terrorism and it is no worse than the attacks on our other infrastructures in the US or abroad. No worse than an attack on a pipeline, refinery, water supply, rail tracks, bridges, etc. We need to protect the system. Since no one has a solution that will get rid of SPAM now and immediately, I here by throw out the idea of military special forces in a call to action.

We must defend the system from attack. We must prevent the further melt down and growing distrust in the Virtual World of the Internet, which has and can potentially allow for the the forward progress of mankind into the future period and the next step in our evolutionary process towards a one world peace and unity of the entire species Planet Wide. The Internet is truly one of the greatest gifts of our modern era, we must protect this evolving technology as we would any other infrastructure under attack. This is not funny anymore, this is not a game, the SPAMMERS have raised the stakes and increased SPAM against the will of the people for thier own personal gain, no matter who it hurts. This is unacceptable and they have been alerted, instead of them carefully monitoring themselves and carefully screening email recipients for proper targeting, they blast SPAM the World into an Internet Hell. They have failed to monitor and respect the wishes of all those who have found value in this new communication process which has done so much to unite the World. By Spammers continuing this attack on our country and societies of the World they are bringing the best communication system in the history of mankind to it's knees. This must be taken care of.

Of course this is my personal opinion as it is the many Americans who are frustrated, running readline against the clock, wallowing in consumer debt, scared about the future and now this complication of SPAM must be stopped. We need to pull out all the stops and stop tip-toe-ing and looking for the laws to help us, it is time for action. We passed the CAN-SPAM act, and the Spammers have instead stuck their middle fingers up and raised the stakes in this bluff game of hide and seek and catch me if you can. Well, we can CAN-SPAM. If we dare to take action. Are we so decadent that we believe that we cannot enforce a law because of another law, even though the whole of our society wants to rid us of this pest we call SPAM, which is actually a federal protected trademark of a food product.

If the FTC admits along with Industry that there is nothing they can do. And the FTC's conclusion is to let the free market figure it out, which is noble indeed and the rightful conclusion in my opinion, then let's fix the problem. free enterprise can fix it, but how long? At 54 Billion per year in lost productivity estimated and climbing, we cannot afford to wait any longer, we are at a crisis point. We need this additional bandwidth for miliatry, video cell phones, VoIP and the entertainment industry, for better flash presentation, for better wireless broadband-no digital divide efforts. We need action, no more talk, no more studies, no more games, no more BS.

We now have a 60 page report done by the FTC with references which are all verified, the problem is growing and it is known, it has been found to be an evil attack against the whole of humanity and it must be stopped before it grows worse. If not we will see video ads pop-onto the next generation of cell phones, PDA wireless devices, more disruptins of our daily lives with computer viruses, privacy invasions and identity theft. Folks in my personal opinion, it is time for a literal war on SPAM.

Declare war on SPAM and the American people will reward itself with added productivity, prosperity, renewed sense of purpose.

Declare a war on SPAM and small businesses will reward the free market with more jobs, purchases and efficiencies.

Declare a war on SPAM and the strength and vision of the future of America will be revived by it's citizens and stakeholders.

Declare a war on SPAM to alert the world that our communication systems are off limits to International Terrorist Attcks.

If we fail to make a stand here and now, the Internet is doomed in the future and we will see more attacks, viruses, abuses until one day it becomes the main target used to exploit us and serve the will of the enemy. Let's get smart and get busy, action is needed, no more reports-the FTC report says it all. No more committees, no more talk, action, a call to action. It is time to act, we have observed, oriented, decided and now it is time to act. Action is what we need.

We welcome ideas on this subject, we welcome ideas and solutions to end the unecessary SPAM without limiting our right to communicate amongst our selves or lessen our right to Freedom of the Press or Freedom of Speech. Any ideas suggestions or debates are of interest to us. Although a War on SPAM seems harsh, if we fail to act all the studies, meetings, committees of the last 2 years have been wasted and all we see is a 34% increase in that same period for some much higher.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.worldthinktank.net/wttbbs

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