An Illuminatus Speaks

An Illuminatus Speaks:

You will have to decide if this Illuminatus speaks with forked tongue or not. There is no black and white to the matter as I see it.

I have not read a lot of Alan Watts, because people have always told me I sound like him. I promise that even if you think that someone sounds like you or thinks as you do ? this is one book that will challenge many things that we all must question. Here is one of many things said by Watts which I agree with.

"Faith is an openness and trusting attitude to truth and reality, whatever it may turn out to be. This is a risky and adventurous state of mind. Belief in the religious sense, is the opposite of faith - because it is a fervent wishing or hope, a compulsive clinging to the idea that the universe is arranged and governed in such and such a way. Belief is holding to a rock; faith is learning how to swim - and this whole universe swims in boundless space." - Alan Watts

This next piece is from someone I know to be part of the Merovingian families and a real Illuminatus in the good sense. I think it fair to share this with you and she has told me I may share it and anything she has in web sites. However I do not identify her in this medium because she would not want the ego issues and flack.

"There is quite a bit of material in here on the Illuminati or the word and concept thereof. Now, we do not do the conspiracist's view of Illuminati. Simple logic tells you that what they consider "Arcane Secret Order" contains info they also will not know. So it is safe to discard these Theories.

Simply put, an Illuminati is a Rosicrucian/Hermetic (and sometimes "other") who has achieved a certain a certain degree and/or heights of various aspects, an enlightened individual who uses such light for his obligation towards the Universe, balancing it and making it a better place to live etc. The Order involved contains enlightenments of mind, soul and body that they will not reveal simply because "inquiring minds want to know". One must work towards gaining this knowledge and if they have the stuff it takes then they will gain this knowledge. If a seeker doesn't have the required prerequisites s/he is not going to be able to comprehend them anyway. This is how the info gets corrupted; misunderstanding and second and third hand info. *smiles gently*I take my Order(s), seriously, they are not a game nor are the applications taken lightly. Most of the questions answered on this particular subject (including Hermetics and other Arcane Orders) regarding the Sacred Mysteries and Knowledge contained herein, can be answered in one sentence: "Join a Rosicrucian/Hermetic Order and find out the answers for yourself. I have done the work why can't you?"

I have never seen a book on Illuminati that is accurate. Could we find a hint way in the word "Arcane"? Could the dictionary be purposely throwing the uninitiated off? Or is this definition, like with other words, born of how today's uninitiated view? It is interesting to view a dictionary published at the turn of the century before the conspiracists and other "unhappies" who didn't feel it necessary to do the work others have and out of covetousness, jealousy, revenge etc. helped form this newer definition which can be found in any newer dictionary.*shrugs* But they cannot touch light like this. This older definition begins with a "Church" history, those who carried the light in ritual (this in itself is interesting*grins impishly*), then to a "16th century Spanish sect who believed in "mental prayer" discarding all rituales, tools" etc (the Mass etc)*grins impishly again* "The Bavarian Illuminati founded in 1776" (and one that has taken a lot of hits and is probably the seed for many of these erroneous "theories") "an anticlerical, deistic republican society, The Order Of The Illuminati", and "persons who claim to have extraordinary knowledge of enlightenment; chiefly of satirical use." Buddha is an Illuminati, The Christos is an Illuminati, Mother Theresa is certainly an Illuminati, there are a few Sacred Men in Eastern Traditions who hold this title and some in Western Trads. Even those who may be in an Order (within an Order) considered Illuminati, do not hold this distinct honor yet, but trying to work towards it, most never achieve it. Oh btw, an Illuminatis light will never die.

Illuminatis are those illumined who know that it is their obligation to see that others are also so illumed, they do not see themselves as gaining superior enlightenment that others could never possess. They do, however provide appropriate Paths for others to gain this illumination in their lives or as much as they can possibly get in this lifetime. Anyone who says they are an illuminati is usually not one (unless you are in an Order, then you are privy to more than the uninitiated, but promise you will have to work for it.) And Illuminati does not need to be known, have his/her back patted, nor do they care to or want to. They have dealt with ego issues a long time ago. *smiles softly* I am not into handing out information I worked hard for, I liken this to my expertise in Siddhi/Kundalini/Ayurvedic Medicine, for which I worked hard and long to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective. I can't give you a brief overview and a couple of tools and expect you to either fully understand all the dynamics and principles and send you out to heal. It takes a personal quest, study and applications as you work through different aspects."

Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest 'expert' at

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