The 'As Above, So Below' law that is the combination of micro and macrocosmic reality likely comes from Hermes Trismegistus, a Babylonian who became a Pharaoh of Egypt according to the Arab Encyclopedia. Barrett is probably right about him being a legendary amalgam of people, but so what? This kind of semantic, pedantic, academic, squabbling just confuses the issue and people get to the point where they take one side or another, rather than integrate and see the effect of the power-mongers. In the time of Shakespeare the cosmogony relating the alchemic Dictum of Hermes was known as the Harmony of the Spheres. This Dictum is pictured on the back of Barrett's book Secret Societies as taken from 'Macoy's Cyclopedia' of things Masonic. But I cannot rehash all these things again, too much. I find many debunkers are agents of deceit like Barrett. I also wonder how Michel de Notredame's book escaped being on the Inquisitional Codex until the De Medici's had lost their influence centuries after his Prophecies were printed.
Hypnosis and Ritual, blackboards to balls:
There are many symbols and artistic creations that are able to contact the mind and set its archetypal memories or information systems in action. It is clear that animals have always found the place where legs meet to be an enjoyable spot and it wasn't all a learned response. We have a vestigial obsession or primal urge that accentuates the importance of certain aesthetics which are part of the archetypal knowledge. Millions of years of conditioning reinforce the lines and constructs of such things across a wide range of forms that become or became templates of the energy flow. Which came first - the form or the thought? On other occasions we see the mind is involved or affected into becoming hypnotized beyond relaxation. I suspect the mind or brain functioning is able to be affected by these symbols or suggestions which are difficult for people to consciously intercept through the interface with the Thalami and their crystalline structure.
Boredom in classrooms can actually make students more receptive to implanted attitudes or acceptance of the prevailing attitudes that the paradigm re-inforces or 'enforces'. In these mental states of semi or full hypnotic trance, the mind becomes conditioned and almost thinks the programming came from 'within'. Suggestopaedia is a technique developed by biophysicist Dr. Milan Ryzl that broadcasts over the barriers created by conscious processing. It could have great potential for good or bad application in education and learning. I can see how it might have something to do with meditation and the Thalami amplification to affect brain use. In the short span of 15 minutes a person can have over 90% recall of a new language some two weeks later if I remember the research as spoken about in 'Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain'.
However, my first wife took a course in teaching using this method and from what I saw of the course material they took away the music and chair that put a person into the altered state before beginning the information. I suppose it is another example of co-opting good ideas and making it seem like they have been tried. What good this does is beyond me. It isn't as if humanity would not be better off if people could learn and take pride in thinking, is it? The co-operative learning that emphasizes all learning styles from linear logical to spatial creative is being employed similarly although I hear the US has some teachers who are actually using the full technique. Hypnotists I have read, actually say the authoritative symbols like a blackboard can and do cause hypnosis.
Some of the symbols on stelae and megalithic structures would have power as well as the sacred or worshipful intent that minds can generate through increased expectation and belief. Who has not 'felt' the presence of past souls or thought therefrom in an old home? This ambience of textural sponges which soak up the energy is in all matter and its lattices of molecules. It makes the stone become more powerful as the 'energy wells' that Dr. Robins speaks to are filled to capacity. Someday we may be able to access some of this knowledge or understand the process as a result of the effort of solid state chemists or physicists with an open mind. The ancients had more than a million years of observing and relating and they often didn't have someone to tell them it was this or 'that', they just knew or 'felt' and observed. The Information Age inundates us with even more information and some of us are unable to focus and process the resultant data overflow. Is this part of a standard operating procedure employed by social engineers today? It can be called 'BS baffles brains' or the 'Big Lie'.
"The object of crystal gazing is, as has been said, the induction of a kind of hypnotic state giving rise to hallucinations of a visionary nature, the reflection of light in the crystal forming 'points de rep?re' for such hallucinations. The value of elaborate ceremonies and impressive rituals thus lies in their potency to affect the mind and the imagination of the seer.
So far, the mystery of crystal vision is no mystery at all. But the remarkable frequency with which, according to reliable witnesses, visions seen in the crystal have tallied with events happening elsewhere at the same moment, or even with future events, is a fact for which science has not yet found an adequate explanation.
It has been suggested that if telepathy operates with greater freedom during the hypnotic state, so it may be also with the self-induced hypnosis of crystal gazing. And this, though it cannot be said to cover the entire ground, is perhaps, on the whole, the best explanation yet offered." (1)
Some crystal balls do not work well, if at all. The Bavarian area of the world had a lot of alchemists in Prague with Rudolf and the crystal balls from that region are the best according to knowledgeable sources I studied with. There could be a connection and I have a couple of theories as to why this is the case that I won't put forward at this juncture. Because of the present science including knowledge of Free Energy and other cosmogonic or physical studies done since 1984, when the above quote was written; there is a great deal more we can speculate about in these regards; without seeming as ridiculous to those who follow scientific advances. The 300 X speed of light proof is most important to all paranormal research. They used cesium gas but in the past, quartz was the possessor of the most effective harmonic lattice in nature.
I often quote The Wonder Child by Peter Lorie et. al. They have broached the subject of a Cosmic Thought Field and the Thalami research that is bringing more credibility to the importance of the Pineal or 'Third Eye' that appears on the US dollar bill on top of the Pyramid. This gland or part of the functioning that our brain physiology allows to create the kinds of benefits psychics or mystics report as 'tapping in', 'direct cognition'(MacDari) and its akashic or other contacts is most relevant to understanding what really was involved in the magic or worship that went on in Neolithic and earlier human cultures. These researches have military and other government programs that all people must learn about. Rep. Dennis Kucinich has tried to table a Bill to stop the implementation of psy-ops or Non-Lethal Weapons in SDI or space based programs. I applaud his intentions and hope we don't allow our leaders or bureaucracies to ever get the ability to 'psychocivilize' mankind without proper oversight. Project Phoenix is an umbrella designation from the days of von Neumann that people might want to research along with the work of Persinger, Bearden and Delgado.
'A New Theory Linking Stones and Crystals With Psychic Phenomena'
This is a sub-title of the work of Dr. Don Robins who authored The Secret Language of Stone. He does a lot of excellent and well-respected work including work with the Getty Institute and London's archaeological establishment. His doctorate in solid state chemistry allows us to listen more closely to what otherwise would be best seen in the annals of science fiction. His work in developing electron spin resonance equipment has enabled us to do things like the recent dating of refined drugs in the camps of Neanderthals back to 90,000 years ago. In my first encounters with his work on The Dragon Project, I knew there was much more I needed to learn; in order to understand concepts or systems like feng shui and ley lines. We will explore these things in the words of other authors, but first I must present a lot of Dr. Robins' efforts. I am hopeful or near certain that the reader will agree the apparent mystical aspects of this book are warranted if we are ever to understand the genesis of our culture and the people who lived in Neolithic time and before.
He introduces us to the fuller appreciation of a chasm that separates our present paradigm from the spiritual one that existed until very recently in large parts of the world. It opens the doors wide, to make us appreciate the manifesting nature of energy and our part in what Bucky Fuller dubbed 'creative realization'. It is not all a bed of roses as we see him deal with the Hexham Heads. The ether that is all around us has coalescing energy and/or consciousnesses that can pass from object or mind and back to the other. The ritualistic or other conditions to imbue these energies with a purpose is what may be involved in this most extraordinary case that I think is similar to the Mothman in respect of localized elemental force entities. It might even prove to have some connection with the knowledge encoding process that our genetic make up includes.
Author of many books
Columnist in many Ezines
Activist for honest government and an end to abuse of spiritual power
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