Attachment - Bondage or Moha - Their Role in Gaining Enlightenment

Attachment... Bondage... Moha... state as we may but the meaning of all three words remains the same. Christians call it water, Hindus Jala and the followers of Islamic dharma as Paani... the intent and meaning of all the three is the same.

Now let me explain this concept from the beginning...

If there was no Attachment... Bondage or Moha... the need for any soul to traverse a long journey of 8.4 million lives (a total earthly journey of 96.4 million years) would never have arisen for the soul within... rather would not have been required at all. If the God Almighty desired the chain of all manifestations right from the very first manifestation to the last manifestation (the 8.4 millionth manifestation... the last in the series of evolution)... there must have been a most plausible cause for it. And what was that?

At the time of the Big Bang when the Evolution was just taking place at the time of start of the creation... all souls got scattered all over the Cosmos. These souls on their cosmic journey gathered impurities on the way. Now, to come back to their pristine purity these souls required to remove the dross within. Let me take an example...

Let us assume a lump of gold ore weighing one hundred KG. And if we presume that this lump of gold ore contains one KG of pure gold then in spiritual terms... this one KG of pure gold is a single soul (atman as we call it in Hinduism) on its cosmic journey and it does not have within it powers any means to remove these impurities. These 99 KG of impurities to be separated from one KG of pure gold require the requisite mining process.

And this process of purification of one KG of pure gold from a lump of hundred KG of gold ore is what we are interested in. This journey for a human being as we can understand shall get completed in a total of 8.4 million Manifestations (on the earthly plane it shall mean a journey of 96.4 million years... a long journey indeed!).

As we can see above... we need the right machinery to separate the pure gold from the dross within the ore... every soul (atman) on its cosmic journey requires a body to work out its Karma and remove the dross within. Now what is it that keeps the total entity bound for such a long period of time... is it not Moha... Bondage... Attachment which keeps every body attached to the other and also to materialistic riches of life?

This was necessitated as God the Almighty did not desire the journey to be completed in a short time. Now, unless and until we cut through every Attachment... Moha... or Bondage... can we expect to get out of the clutches of karma. No, it is just not possible! To be able to gain Enlightenment within this life we have to take absolute control over our five senses and finally the mind. And this is possible only after we have gained absolute control over any feeling of Attachment... Moha or Bondage!

In other words we have to cut across the shackles of Attachment for overcoming the senses and the mind. Simply stated it is easy to discuss on the topic of attachment but it is the most difficult part which one has to take control of in this life. To detach self completely from the bondage of your parents, teachers, friends, relatives and well-wishers is the most difficult part of life in the life of a true seeker of Enlightenment within this life. Why?

A moment before whom you called your dearest son or a daughter... the moment you have crossed over the boundaries of attachment... you shall not be able to call your son a son... you shall also be not able to call your lovely daughter a daughter. For all the children in the world would have now become like sons and daughters to you. You shall not be able to distinguish between your own and the others. The simple divide which maintained the boundary between your children and the rest has now collapsed... something really difficult to bear with!

Easily said than done... the path of Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of every human being... come whatever may! None can deviate from this absolute and the only truth of life. And the absolute truth is that the body of a human being is merely a garment for the soul within and whence comes the time it shall be cast away mercilessly in the hope of getting a new garment... a new body... a new manifestation! On the earthly plane someone dies but on the spiritual level... nothing is lost... all is the result of the process of evolution taking place every moment of life.

And the final truth that emerges out is, the soul proceeds on its cosmic journey truthfully and mercilessly and in the terms of human beings... we have life and death but in the dictionary of soul (atman as we call it in Hinduism)... life is a continuous process... nothing is lost for everything belongs to God the Almighty. It is but for the soul to shed its dross from one manifestation to another in order to gain more and more purity and finally the pristine purity it ever longed for. Having come full circle... this purified soul becomes enlightened!

And now the question arises... how-to come out of the feeling of Attachment... bondage or Moha (as we call it in Hinduism). We have to break free from the clutches of Attachment... Bondage... or Moha for ever! And it is the process of Yoga and Meditation which shall help us in coming free of the shackles of Attachment... Bondage or Moha forever.

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains the vital Role Attachment Bondage or Moha plays in gaining Enlightenment. Subscribe free Newsletter "Spiritual Secrets Unveiled" - Explore hidden cosmic truths- visit attachment

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