Far to many people have become "followers" rather than BEING and living the messages they hold dear. True spiritual enlightenment comes from one Source; it is the same source that Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and You are connected to. It is Divine Source, and ALL beings of Light are connected to the same Divine Source energy ...
This information comes "through" me from Divine Source, God, All That Is, Creator to bring a message to humanity that many people have forgotten.
Far to many people have become "followers" rather than BEING and living the messages they hold dear.
True spiritual enlightenment comes from one Source; it is the same source that Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and You are connected to. It is Divine Source, and ALL beings of Light are connected to the same Divine Source energy.
I ask you to now close your eyes, and imagine the men named Jesus and Buddha for a moment. Jesus was a Jewish man that sought to bring humanity messages from Divine Source. He was murdered for that. He gave compassion because he learned the ultimate truth, and that is that ALL people, from every land are all Divine spiritual beings, and have the same abilities that Jesus had.
Buddha was also a man that sought to attain enlightenment from Divine Source. He told people to only take what he had to say into their hearts if it felt true for them. He never said to follow him, or create a statue to bow to in his image. So why are there so many people bowing, rather than just being and living the messages?
Oh there will certainly be controversy over this article, because it takes down the rigid structures and places all beings as equal, all as one, and all connected to Divine Source.
Each spiritual path carries wonderful teachings. It is when people take those teachings and create an organized religion out of it that the problems ensue.
Look at the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland that literally KILL each other ? all in the name of Jesus Christ. Is THIS what Jesus taught? I would wager to say that the answer is absolutely not!
When people start to create rules, regulations and restrictions all in the name of one person that they believe "must" be worshipped, they have taken all of the teachings and made a huge business out of it.
The Catholic Church has millions of dollars. Why are there so many homeless people? Why are priests given the money for legal counsel when they sexually molested young boys? Why is that money not poured into helping the homeless children in this world?
The teachings of the man Buddha are fantastic. Why are there certain doctrines that seek to encourage people to worship a man, and not each person's Divine essence, and simply live the teachings of Buddha? Why is there not allowed freedom of expression? Why is everyone bowing before man made plastic statues, when each person can simply be grateful for being an equal part of Divine Source?
You see, it is important for people to feel a sense of belonging, such as in a community where they can gather together and engage in prayer. There is nothing wrong with this at all. It is all of the OTHER rules and regulations that ostracize others if they do not "follow" the "rules" that were made by PEOPLE and not by the one whose teachings they are following to begin with.
There is no need for rules and regulations of any kind. There is no need for censorship. This robs a person from their individual right to explore the teachings in their purest form, without all of the "business" and organized rules that many organizations create.
The teachings are so simple; they are that hard to follow for so much of humanity. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Give compassion for others, as you would like them to have compassion for you. Share from your heart, and have pure motives and deeds.
Jesus didn't belong to a church, and Buddha never prayed before a statue in his image. Additionally, the deity's of Light are ALL a part of the same Divine source. All of the Angels, the Saints, all people are part of the same Divine Source.
There is a quote from the book "If God Was Like Man" and that is: (coming from Divine Source) "I would venture to say that your organized religions are causing much discord and disorganization among your people."
That seems to be an understatement. So should the author of this article be on a hit list because Divine Source had another message to bring through to humanity? Should Jesus have been killed? Never! However, do not worship to follow others, pray and get connected to BECOME the highest level of light you can attain in this lifetime. Pray as an equal Divine Co-Creator ? because that is what you are! So many millennia have passed, and humanity is STILL fighting over religion.
Who exactly crated the Vows that so many people take? Did Jesus create them? No. Did Buddha create them? No. So it was man that created them, along with the statues.
ANY Divine Being of Light will come to your aid when you call on them. However, as an enlightened being, I am sure you will attest that if a person lived on Earth, such as our dearly missed Saint (Mother) Teresa, SHE did not ask for statues to be made in her image, and she did not require certain prayers to be said to her. She is as much of a Saint as Paul, or any of the others. What Saint (Mother) Teresa probably would have requested is to take that money and feed the hungry children.
So many religious organizations have great plans to build large structures for worshipping before statues, and yet are they really doing anything to help the little ones in dire need? This is where the "organized" part of religion needs to be re-organized. There must be a budget to help the children that are sick, hungry and homeless, BEFORE the money is spent on more statues, decorations, and items to create a structure of worship.
There is only one place from where you can truly worship and get connected to whomever you wish to pray to, and that place is your heart.
That is ALL you need is your heart, and your mind. You NEVER need to FOLLOW anyone. Just be who you are ? exactly as Jesus and Buddha were ? they were themselves, and they attained spiritual enlightenment without all of the decorations. They helped so many people. Now, it's your turn.
Take this message and create a NEW way ? humanity for humanity. Uplift others lives rather than try to be or create a follower. Live the messages from your heart ? there is no need to bow before anything that the ascended masters never bowed before. That was all created by man AFTER they passed over.
Realize that you are a spark of the same Divine essence as those you worship. Live their messages, and become yet another example of spiritual enlightenment. It only requires your heart ? that is where your essence dwells. Use your mind to co-crate, and do so with love, pure motives, and positive actions.
You will then be living the messages. No statues are required.
? Copyright by Barbara Rose. All Rights Reserved
Barbara Rose is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation and spiritual/human potential. A pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication the study and integration of humanity's God-Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. A #1 relationship best-selling author of Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE, Barbara's other highly acclaimed books include, If God Was Like Man, and Individual Power: Reclaiming Your Core, Your Truth and Your Life. Her public speaking events, tele-seminars, webcasts, articles and private intensives have transformed the lives of thousands across the globe.
Barbara is known for providing life-changing answers, quick practical coaching and deep spiritual wisdom to people worldwide. She is the founder of IHSC ? Institute of Higher Self Communication, inspire! Magazine, Rose Humanitarian Alliance, and The Rose Group publishing company. Barbara works in cooperation with spiritual leaders, to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity. http://www.borntoinspire.com
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