Choose Life or Death

No one, not even God can make us choose the right things. He gave us the freedom of choice where our own lives are concerned. Life is full of choices. Many of them which we assume will give us life are really only secondary to what our whole purpose is.

The world tells us we need careers, we need education, we need marriage, children, we need to be able to afford the very best of what life has to offer. In other words, we need to make ourselves "feel" fulfilled, even at the expense of hurting others.

But we miss the mark when we fail to make the choice between life and death where our eternity is concerned. The whole purpose of our being is not to serve ourselves but to serve and fellowship with God. But, unless you are aware of that choice, then most likely you chose death. Our careers, our destinies, the things we achieve while existing in this world are all secondary. They are the gifts we are given in order to help us achieve a ways and a means of earning a living while serving the Lord. But to make that our priority is the biggest misconception of man today. How do I know? It's God's word, not mine.

"I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants might live." Deu. 30:19 (Amplified)

It is this verse that God Himself lays down the law with His servant, Moses. He tells him that he and his people have the choice to either follow Him, fellowship with Him and to be blessed for it, or else they can turn from Him, do things their own way and receive the curses that will lead to eternal death.

How often have we tried to make things happen on our own and have run into trouble because we don't even consider God in the matter? It's a very simple formula really, and when taken in serious consideration, life will start working for you. That formuala is found in Mt. 6:33, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, in all it's righteousness, and all else shall be added unto you." Wow, what a promise that is!

In Deu. 30, God makes it very clear to Moses that by not choosing Him, He would (and did) send curses, not only to them, but to all future generations who continued in the disobedient journey. But, God is a loving God and also makes it very clear that upon serving Him, He promises to give all the people life and prosperity and would delight in it. God has more than enough to give and only wants to pour His gifts down on His children who choose to serve and obey Him. Why is this such a hard choice for us even today?

God made a covenant also with Abraham. He swore upon His very own name because there is no other name above His. His Word is totally inspired by Him (2 Tim. 3:16) This being truth, means that His Word and promises are not up for debate. God says what He means and He means what He says!!!

God is awesome because He gave us this information in order to make our lives here alot simpler. He doesn't want us staggering around in the dark, not knowing what our purpose is. We should never have to ask why we are here in the first place. No one is put here by mistake, even though our parents may have told us otherwise. But, even though He spells it all out in black and white, it's still our choice to believe it or not.

When we choose not to be in fellowship with a loving Father, we will always find ourselves in situtations that don't make sense, they are not what we expected and we question ourselves and our abilities, wondering what we did wrong.

Here lies the big problem. In knowing God's Word, we would then realize that it has nothing at all to do with us.

"I Am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." Jn. 15:5 (KJV)

Once we understand this concept, that we were created by God before the foundation of the earth, and for God, then we should be able to understand the meaning of the relationship we were created to have. This fellowship is developed through Christ. This fellowship doesn't promise a life with no hardships, but it will make all situations possible to endure. When we understand that God is in control, there is not one storm in life that won't turn into a calm at the end. He gives us the strength and the confidence to get through anything.

"And He said, the things which are impossible with men are possible with God." Lk. 18:27 (KJV)

There is absolutely nothing too big or too small that He can't handle. All we have to do is come to Christ and ask. The choice is totally up to you and me.

God doesn't strong arm anyone, He is gentle and patient. But, perhaps if you are facing trials and troubles that just don't seem to have a way out, maybe it's time you seriously make a choice between life and death. God cannot compromise His truth. If you are longing for eternal life, and want to see His blessing manifested in your life, a choice must be made.

Unless a choice of life is made, death is inevitable and curses will come. Not only will God send curses, but you will be serving Satan, who comes to steal, kill and destroy.

While God gives you the promise of eternal life for free, Satan will promise you a certain death but it's going to cost you everything. Think about that choice because both are very real. Which do you choose, life or death?

Life with Christ is very real, He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. No matter what trials you may face, when you chose life, He will bring you out of every situation that would have otherwise been impossible.

Vivian Gordon, has been called into the teaching ministry. Her purpose is to be an ambassador for Christ, to show others who Christ is through her words, actions and deeds. She has submitted her life to serving Him in all she does. Blessings have begun to flow in her life. God is always on time, no matter how long it takes.

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