Christian Ethics & Servant Leadership in Todays Workplace & Society

Sundered Knight:

Although the world,
Denies the weak aid and justice,
Scorns charity,
Diminishes morality
And Godly virtues daily.

Holding no places for honor
Nor honesty
And exiling all
Who hold these traits dear,
It is better to be a sundered knight
Than no knight at all

By S. Bryant Lewis

If one wishes to be a Knightly leader in the world today, it is very difficult to do so. Why? The world makes it so hard to do what is right - what is honorable - what is Christ-like. The negative peers tells us things like, "... nice guys finish last and that no good deed goes unpunished." The poem Sundered Knight speaks of those who strive to do what is right in a world that sometimes has little tolerance for ethics. So what exactly is a Knight? He or she is a servant leader and a fervent supporter or defender of the weak. They also defend and support Godly virtues like morality, honor and honesty. A Sundered Knight is someone who is sometimes ridiculed or put down for doing what is ethical - for doing what is right. He or she is sometimes even treated with contempt in society for their moral or ethical beliefs. Have you ever felt like a sundered Knight?

The world we live in did not become so harden overnight. This has been happening for a long time. In the time of Zephaniah [an Old Testament prophet], there was a serious lack of morals and ethics. Just like a cancer, this lack of morality and ethics ate away at every part of society in Zephaniah's time. Zephaniah's people, just like those of today, were arrogant, treacherous, profane, and did violence to the law. [Zep 3:1-7]

As a servant leader ? a Knight, never place trust in peers who use negative peer pressure. More times than not, these negative peers will not come through for you, so don't expect them to. This way you will not be disappointed. Look to Jesus for your example. The Lord promises over and over that he will lift us up. Hold him to his promises and let the Lord be the one you wish to lift you up. So when you feel the negative peer pressure, at work or in public places, is getting to you, seek the Lord to lift you up. The Lord is always true to his promises. Seek out the encouragement that God gives in his word - [Pv. 24:16, 19-20] 16... A righteous [man] may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity. 19 Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the wicked; 20 for there will be no prospect for the evil [man;] the lamp of the wicked will be put out.

These verses were true in the time of King David and are so very true, even today. Those negative peers taking short cuts to get out of something or to get ahead. Such negative peers are not mentors to be looked up to or be jealous over. Never forget, that negative peer pressure is alive and well in the work place and society. There really is no lasting prospect for those who are seeking short cuts to get out of work or to get ahead at work or in today's society.

God knows your situation. And because God does know your situation, it is with an understanding and tender heart that he says to his Knights: [Is 51:7] " Listen to me, you who know righteousness, you people in whose heart [is] my law: Do not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their insults.

Although the world "...diminishes morality..." in Zephaniah's time, God was there for him. [Zep 3:5] The LORD [is] righteous in [our] her midst, He will do no unrighteousness. Every morning He brings His justice to light; He never fails, but the unjust knows no shame.

[Zep 3:17] "They [you] shall be Mine," says the LORD of hosts, "On the day that I make them my jewels..." God is going to make you a jewel of great value. You are precious to him. So continue to do what is right in spite of the world. Uphold charity, morality, ethics and honesty. Put aside the words of your negative peers and do not give into negative peer pressure at work or in society. Always be faithful, always be encouraged, always be a servant leader, and always be a Knight, who defends the weak and holds all Godly virtues dear.

About the author:
Hello, my name is Stan Lewis and I am a leadership and life coach. I have included some information about me and the purpose behind my current series of "Sundered Knight" articles. I have developed leaders and trained leaders for 18 years, both in and out of the military. I started out as an E-1 (lowest enlisted rank) in the Navy and rose up through the ranks - because of proven leadership skills ? to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. As a naval officer, I conducted training for Commander Naval Base ? Norfolk.

I am currently training adult men and women to be mentors in a youth organization, training teens to be productive leaders in the community and mentors to elementary & pre-teen boys. I also have 10 years of experience in group training.

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