Communion - The Key to Experiencing the Abundant Life of God

Now, we all know that we shouldn't be lead by our emotions, right?

But in saying that lies a paradox, even though we are not mean't to be lead by our emotions, in the end, we always will be.

The reason is that whenever there is a struggle between will power and emotion, our emotions will win hands down every single time.

Now when we know how to hook up with God and connect with him in the realm of the heart which is what communion actually is, we start learning how to use truth to change the outcome of our emotions so that we bring our emotions in line with the word of God.

But on the other hand if we don't spend time;

Communing with God, searching through the scriptures in the bible, and fellowshipping with God on a regular basis our emotions will not have lined up with the word of God and we will be in a place were we don't want to be.

That's the place that the bible is referring to when it mentions torment, being in the outer darkness or the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

3 John 2 says; "Beloved I pray that you prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers."

It is Gods will that we be in divine health and that we prosper.

The question is;

Do we believe that today?

Do we really believe it in our hearts?

What's going on in our health is actually a result of where our emotions are at.

Our emotions influence our health more than anything.

We need to know how to live in peace in this life, and I tell you, if you want to live in peace in this life you need to learn how to be happy.

That means we've got to;

stop controlling other people,
stop trying to fix other people lives,
stop interfering,
stop fault finding,
stop judging,
stop holding grudges and unforgiveness against other people.

Because I'm telling you, if we don't live in peace we will produce an environment where our body lives in constant sickness and disease.

It doesn't do us any good to have a bad attitude because if we did receive a miracle from God it wouldn't be long before we reversed all of the affects through our stinking thinking.

There's a saying that goes around that says you are what you eat, well I'd like to say that you are what you feel.

I've spent a good part of my life being angry and just being fed up with the way people treat you, use you, abuse you and walk all over you in this life.

But I've come to a point were I've realised that the end result is just not worth that, that all these years of just being frustrated has just left me angry and frustrated.

You know that when you forgive someone that its not for their benefit, that's right its for our benefit.

Just the same way that God forgives us, for his own benefit.

Unforgiveness in the heart will take us to a place where we are just bitter, angry and mad where the last thing we want to do is to commune with God in our heart.

Now God says he wants us to prosper in all things, he wants us to prosper;

Financially, In health, In relationships, In our soul, Physically,

It is essential that your soul prospers and is healthy.

You might say; well what's my soul ? primarily it's the realm of your emotions, where we think and create emotions.

Now we will only prosper consistently and we will only be healthy consistently to the degree that we are experiencing it emotionally.

And if we are not experiencing prosperity emotionally, the truth is we will never live a prosperous life on a consistent basis.

If we are not experiencing peace and happiness emotionally, we will never stay healthy consistently.

So we need to prosper emotionally, and it really encourages me to know the fact that God is interested in my emotions.

That he just hasn't given me the born again experience to work it out all for myself, that he actually loves me and wants to see me succeed in every area of my life.

And that reality becomes more and more a reality in my life the more and more that I spend time communing with God.

Revelation 3:20 says "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me."

Now there are teachings that say that this is referring to sinners who come to Christ and his salvation, however the book of revelation was written to the 7 churches outlined in the beginning of revelation. What its actually talking about is those who have Christ in their spirit.

He is standing at the gatekeeper of our heart prompting and calling us to fellowship with him, those of us who can actually hear him and have lined our heart belief up with the word of God, he will open the door of our heart and will fellowship or commune with us in our heart.

The heart is the only place where we can fellowship and commune with God. And God will only dwell in our hearts when we invite him in.

Jesus doesn't live in our hearts all the time, it would be ideal if he did, but the reality is, because of our waiving attitudes and emotions he doesn't.

This is what a lot of Christians call "Entering into the presence of God." Now to them it's a place that's most often reached after about half an hour of praise and worship, but the reality is that they have conditioned themselves to the point where it takes a certain amount of praise and worship before they get themselves to a point emotionally where they line there hearts up with the word of God and actually feel worthy enough to invite Jesus into their hearts.

This is what the whole message of the New Testament was about. Christ came to bring life and to bring it more abundantly and he brought it to people by teaching them the principles of the kingdom of God.

When you line your heart up with the Word of God and Christ comes to dwell in your heart, this is when you well and truly start to begin dwelling in the kingdom and have communion with God.

When Christ said to his disciples I will go and prepare a place for you and in my fathers house there are many mansions, he was talking about setting up the kingdom of God in our hearts.

We don't get a mansion when we go to heaven that is the most ridiculous teaching that I've ever heard come from the church.

Maybe if someone took the time to do a bit of study and to find out what the word mansions were referring to;

It is a dwelling place where the Spirit of God resides or dwells in the heart of man.

Dustin Gray publisher and author of Christian Bible Study Manuals. For free local church publishings please contact or visit or

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