Connect with Spirit

Spirit - All Around Us, All of Us, Every One of Us

ANY time we connect with something or someone, we're also connected with Spirit (also known as God, the Universe, Higher Power, the Source). While our personal definition of Spirit is unique, when we connect with that Spirit it immediately connects us with something outside of ourselves.

This connection also joins everyone and everything on this earth. And if we're all connected, then what we do (and don't do) affects others. How can we possibly know what impact our creative expressions will have on the planet, which people we will touch (whether immediately or many years down the line) or what chain of events we will set off? And what events will be stilled forever by our failure to act?

Here's a favourite quote of mine on this topic, by Martha Graham:

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open." ? Martha Graham, quoted by Agnes DeMille, Martha: The Life and Work of Martha Graham

Lost ? it will be lost. Talk about an awesome responsibility.

Every time I have the desire to do something, to create something, that's Spirit seeking expression through me. In a very powerful book called The Science of Getting Rich, author Wallace Wattles says:

"Desire is a manifestation of power. The desire to play music is the power which can play music seeking expression and development. The desire to invent mechanical devices is the mechanical talent seeking expression and development.

Where there is no power, either developed or undeveloped, to do a thing, there is never any desire to do that thing, and where there is strong desire to do a thing, it is certain proof that the power to do it is strong and only requires to be developed and applied in the right way."

Here's another quote:

"All that there is of possibility is seeking expression through people. God wants those who can play music to have pianos and every other instrument and to have the means to cultivate their talents to the fullest extent. He wants those who can appreciate beauty to be able to surround themselves with beautiful things.

He wants those who can discern truth to have every opportunity to travel and observe. He wants those who can appreciate dress to be beautifully clothed, and those who can appreciate good food to be luxuriously fed.

He wants all these things because it is himself that enjoys and appreciates them; they are his creation. It is God who wants to play, and sing, and enjoy beauty, and proclaim truth, and wear fine clothes, and eat good foods."

So, we wouldn't have the desire to create these works of art if we didn't have the power to make it happen.

As you can see, The Science of Getting Rich is about a lot more than money.

My creative talent is a gift. If I put it aside, deny it, talk myself out it or run away from it, I'm choosing to send that gift back. That's a pretty powerful message I'm sending back to Spirit.

"No thanks, I'm not ready/willing/able."

So, we've made two points here. One is that because we're all connected, it's our responsibility to carry out our unique role ? to manifest whatever creative projects we desire to bring into the world.

The other point is that we need to respect, honour and express the gifts we've been given. Both of these points highlight one simple phrase that I've been using a lot in the Everyday Artist Coaching Studio lately:


That single phrase, that shift from worrying ("what will people think", "what if I make a mistake", "what if it doesn't turn out right", "what if I can't do it") to action ("I need to see this through. Once I've done my creative work the outcome is out of my hands") can help to challenge procrastination, perfectionism and all of the other roadblocks that we explore in the Roadblocks to Creativity e-course.

As artists, we deal in the imagination all the time. We create from nothing ? we pull invisible ideas, images and sounds out of thin air. If we can use that same imagination to create and live in a spiritual life, we can unleash a powerful source for creativity and strength.

What would YOU do if you had more POWER behind you? Well, it's there, you just need to plug into it!


Here are the three principles that have helped me the most in connecting with Spirit.

Acceptance. When I accept what happens in my life, what other people do and say, and my own successes and failures, I reinforce that "everything happens for a reason". I can peacefully move through my day, doing what I have to do, without wasting time, energy, words or thoughts on trying to change what can't be changed.

Faith. Consequently, when I've accepted that everything happens for a reason, it's an expression of faith. Faith that a power is working in my life to bring me everything I need (AND many of the things I want). And the faith that all I need to do is believe that and keep doing what I feel called to do, every day.

Gratitude. When I express gratitude for EVERYTHING that I have and EVERYTHING that happens to me, I reinforce that acceptance and faith. When something "bad" happens I find the good in it and am grateful: Thank you for what this experience taught me, thank you for the better opportunity waiting just around the corner, thank you for showing me this WASN'T the right thing for me, thank you for the good times I experienced with this person. I choose to stay positive and to draw more positive things into my life.

How to practice gratitude: Write this sentence at the top of a page:

Thank you for the many gifts you've given me. I'm especially grateful for these creative talents: (fill in at least 10 things).

Then, journal about HOW you're using these creative talents. Include things that haven't quite come true yet.

Including things that haven't come true yet sends the message that not only do you have faith that these things will happen, you are going to appreciate them SO MUCH that you're already saying thank you!

Compare that to our earlier message:

"No thanks, I'm not ready/willing/able."

Which message would you expect a positive result from?

Read your creativity gratitude list every day as a reminder to appreciate another day lived as a creative artist.

? Linda Dessau, 2005.

Linda Dessau, the Self-Care Coach, helps artists enhance their creativity by addressing their unique self-care issues. Feel like your creativity is blocked? Sign-up for your complimentary copy of the popular e-course, "Roadblocks to Creativity" by visiting

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