Controlling What YOU Hear By Watching What YOU Say

If you're going to listen to anyone you're going to hear yourself. It does not matter what anyone in the world says about you, it means nothing until you allow it to get into your spirit and you begin to say what is being said to you.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

The verse says, "Faith comes by hearing". This verse is referring to a person gaining faith in the word of God. But the same is true about anything that you hear. Faith simply comes by HEARING. When I say hearing it implies hearing something repeatedly.

This process of gaining faith by hearing is increased by at least 90% when you're the one saying something over and over. Why is this? If you're going to believe anyone you're going to believe yourself. Your mind naturally acts on what it believes, be it positive or negative. When I say that the mind acts on what it believes, I'm saying that your mind will cause you to produce actions that will cause whatever it is that you believe to come to past in your life.

If your a person that is always saying that your afraid of getting sick, guest what? You're going to be sick. Faith comes by hearing. If you keep telling yourself, "I never have any money", your mind will cause you to do things to ensure that what you're saying and what you believe will come to past.

I have begun to confess that; "I will never be broke another day in my life". Because I confess this on a daily basis I'm starting to see my spending habits change. And because of my faith in God, supernaturally, slowly but surely, I'm seeing more money come my way.

This may sound too deep for some, but you have what you say! If you believe that nothing good ever happens to you, you will sooner are later begin to confess out loud what you believe. Then even when something good does happen you want see it, because you have programmed your mind to look for and create, if need be, something bad.

How do I Change this:

Because we can think about our thoughts we are not our thoughts. Words are mature thoughts. We have to get into the habit of thinking about our thoughts. Many times a negative thought comes and the first time it comes we resist it. But if the thought persist many times we give into that thought thinking that it has a possibility of being or becoming true. We have to be careful what we allow to plug into our minds.

Example: Your spouse gets home late several nights in a row. Your mind, if not trained, will begin to think the worst. If you don't cast this thought out of your mind it will begin to eat away at you. And before you know it you start looking for something that may not even be there. Then the first time you're in a heated argument guess what comes out of your MOUTH!

What happen is you allowed that thought to turn into an action that can be destructive to the trust in your relationship. Words start as thoughts. Thoughts germinate into words. Words trigger the mind to action. Those actions can become habits. Habits become Character.

If you have a thought of failure you have to cast that thought out of your mind with a positive confession, such as; Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. There are two reasons that it is important to use the word of God in your positive confession.

1. Words and thoughts or in what is called the spirit realm.

And therefore they have to combat them with words that carry a stronger Spirit. Negative words and though carry seeds of death that come to destroy your faith in God, your future and to steal your joy. The Word of God is packed with LIFE.

John 6:63 . . . . the words that I speak unto you, [they] are spirit, and [they] are life.

2. The Word of God is absolute TRUTH.

Romans 3:4. . .let God be true, but every man a liar;

It is so important that we see that what we confess today in some way shapes our tomorrow. Where you are today is a result of where you believed and confessed you'd be on yesterday. The moment that you confess out of your mouth that something is impossible you program your mind not to even try!

When we begin to give a positive confession over a negative situation we get ACTION. The battery in your car has to have a negative and a positive to be of any good. What I'm saying is if you speak negative to a negative situation you only make things worst. When you speak positive, especially using the word of God, you trigger your mind to begin to process natural strategies under supernatural guidance to change your situation.

Forget your past it is behind you and you cannot change it! There are so many people saved and unsaved that are living bodily in the present and mentally in the past. Their still dwelling on what happen to them and what didn't go well, how bad their childhood was. They never stop to think that worry changes nothing. And they allow there past to destroy there future. If your in the present thinking about the past you empower your past to destroy your future.

You have to get over the past. Stop talking about it!!! Stop the coulda, shoulda, woulda's. Begin today to speak yourself into who God called you to be. Your more than a conquer!!

(c) 2005 Copyrights WilsonMedia

Bishop Wilson is the presiding prelate and founder of Unity Fellowship Alliance Int. The Unity Fellowship Alliance International will serve as a place of Fellowship, Training,for not only Christians, but leaders around the world.

Bishop Wilson is author, Motivational Speaker, Christian Life Coach, and Personal Mentor.

Sign Up for Tele Seminars with M. Christopher Wilson, @

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