Creating A Tithe Account

Almost every spiritual and religious teaching exhorts its followers to donate a portion of their income to the support of the community and the common good, both as a way of ensuring (and insuring) the community's ability to care for its own and as a way to allow the tither to realize the extent of and to express gratitude for their own success. Although each religion and sect has its own idea of what constitutes a proper tithe (usually around 10% of the participant's earnings), the concept of tithing is a wise and long-standing tradition - one that each of us should be encouraged to add to our lives.

Giving "cleans out the pipes" of energy flow so that more can flow through, and it helps us realize our own abundance in the midst of our fears of scarcity - through giving to others we realize the true nature and scope of our own blessings by recognizing that we had that amount to give, over and above what we required for ourselves. But what about those who consider themselves "spiritual" but belong to no particular religion, or those who do subscribe to a particular religious tenet but, for whatever reason, attend no church or temple? How can they reap the benefits of tithing? One possibility is the creation of a tithe account.

The concept is simple. Set up a checking account, separate from any you may already have, and into this account regularly and promptly deposit the amount you have settled on as an appropriate tithe based on your beliefs and your income. This account is sacred - do not touch it for your own use under any but the direst circumstances (anything less than an immediate and life-threatening situation falls below this bar). Carry the associated checkbook with you always. Whenever you see a "good cause" or a way in which you can help, you can easily and quickly respond to do your part to support your community and those in need. (If you feel that anonymity is vital to such gifts, have your checks printed up with only your initials.)

So what are appropriate ways to use this account? Essentially, when you see a need that you can help with, go for it. Buy a gift certificate to the local tire center for the young mother in accounting who is riding on dangerously bald tires - with her baby in the back seat. Drop a check into the local firehouse fundraiser to buy a new truck. Donate to all those charities you "never had money for" before. Commit a string of random acts of kindness and senseless beauty. Play the free-ranging and anonymous crusader for good, wielding your pen and checkbook like a staff of kindness and charity.

Go on, it's fun - and don't be surprised if you find yourself paying closer attention to your community, looking for ways to give where once you might have simply looked for ways to ignore.

(c) Soni Pitts


Soni Pitts is the Chief Visionary Butt-Kicker of She specializes in helping others reclaim "soul proprietorship" in their lives and to begin living the life their Creator always intended for them.

She is the author of the free e-book "50 Ways To Reach Your Goals" and over 100 self-help and inspirational articles, as well as other products and resources designed to facilitate this process of personal growth and spiritual development.

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