Diversity Not Assimilation

Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth. (Channelled)

From time to time most of you wish that more people were like you so that you could be understood and get things accomplished your way.

This is often felt because of the frustration you feel when you cannot communicate effectively with another. You are having difficulty in making them see it your way. The frustration is recognition of your own weakness.

Just for a moment think about how it would be like if everyone was exactly like you.

It is the purpose of all souls to experience physical life in all the probabilities that exist in this plain. By your physical nature you identify yourselves relative to others and it is the nature of all intelligence to want to experience self and know who you are.

Knowing the above then it is not too far fetched when realized that all aspects of physicality could not be experienced if everyone was like you. There would be no one for you to relate too. All of you would be doing the same things the same way, there would be only you, one mind not knowing who you are. You could not say that you were smarter or better looking than another. You could not experience hate, or love, kindness, cruelty, life or death. Eventually your brain would stop functioning because there would be no new information to process nothing to experience, you would know all that there is to know but you could not experience it.

Assimilation does not work in the end, it is self defeating and terminal; it brings no new life into the group and therefore little opportunity for growth. Some of your peoples and countries practice assimilation and eventually they begin to realize or experience being all there is. They begin to think that they are perfect and that everything else is less than them and there is no other way other than theirs.

In the short term these people and their country may be correct in their thinking, but where does it lead in the long run. It is very short term box and thinking that leads to loneliness, isolation and death.

People of wisdom see the gifts that strangers bring to them. They have a true understanding that they bring into their lives other souls that have agreed at some level to help them experience an aspect of physical life. All beings work together in harmony with physical purpose so that all individuals are able to identify with themselves and others and know who they are in relationship.

Diversity brings prejudice; all beings are prejudice. Prejudice is purposeful and brings awareness into ones experience. Your dictionary's explanation of prejudice is to form an opinion prematurely without adequate information. So being prejudice simply means that you need more information; an enlightened person then would look for additional information before expressing an opinion physically.

Noticing differences is purposeful and differences should be viewed as important to the evolution of one's understanding and personal growth as it brings choice. It is practical for one to look for things that are different in another and celebrate those differences. Differences should never be considered as good or bad, right or wrong; but are gifts brought to you by another because it is appropriate for you at the time and place.

Things that you see in another that you do not like are things that you also see in yourself at some level of understanding that you do not like and they need to be dealt with positively so that you may move past them. Certain aspects of another that you have not dealt with adequately will be brought back to you time and time again for you to deal with. You must know that it is you that is bringing these people into your life at the best time and place to effectively deal with them.

A celebration of life is the celebration of diversity and the knowing that all aspects of humanity are part of the whole that you are an individualized member. To condemn any one part is to condemn self. Learn to love all parts of yourself and cherish the differences, see them as gifts knowing that you have freed yourself from the box and are moving further along the path of enlightenment. Know also that you have absolute freedom of choice to experience any aspect of self without prejudice from that which created you. Unconditional love is unconditional freedom and choice.

Life cannot recognize itself as alive until it can experience all aspects of living.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.

You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same.

Roy's style is hard hitting and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS.

Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com

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