Dowsing ? Using Divining Rods To Obtain Answers To Your Questions

Divining Rods, also known as Dowsing Rods, have been used since ancient times by water witchers, shamans, and wise-ones. Although the information obtained while using these tools seems to come from an obscure and esoteric source, in reality they simply measure energy patterns that occur naturally.

To better understand this concept, it becomes necessary to understand a few basic laws. Firstly, we live in a universe of energy. We human beings are, in reality, energy beings. We all have an energy body, or aura, that surrounds and penetrates through our physical bodies. It's as if energy or light radiates outward, from our center, and this energy field is larger than our physical selves. It is through this energy body that we send and receive energy vibrations.

Have you ever had the phone ring and before picking up the receiver you sense who is on the other line? Have you ever phoned someone that you haven't spoken to in a while, and that person says, "That's so strange. I've been thinking about getting in touch with you, and now you call."

It is because when we think about someone our aura naturally sends out a certain vibration, or frequency, that can be felt by others, especially when others are "sensitive" to energy. We all have these innate "sensitivities", and when we begin to refine them to a much greater degree, we find that our feelings or hunches can be quite accurate. It's often just a matter of tuning in, of eliminating the noise and distraction of everyday life that we begin to perceive these energy vibrations in much greater detail. That is the reason why meditation can be extremely helpful in learning to develop our natural psychic abilities.

One way to speed up this process is to work with Divining Rods. Just like with any other skill that we would like to improve on, practice makes perfect. If we want to be excellent tennis players, we must play a lot of tennis in order to perfect our game. If we want to enhance and develop our sixth sense, we need to exercise it. Divining Rods make excellent tools for doing just that. And, in the process, we can have a lot of fun, too.

To use Divining Rods, hold one in each hand by the handles only. Hold your arms up (open armpits), with hands approximately 9 inches apart from each other. Relax, and clear your mind. Too much intensity will cause the rods not to work. The ideal state for you to be in is one of being open, rather than trying to be in control.

Start by mentally asking the rods "Which way means YES?" Remember to remain relaxed and to breathe normally. The rods should start to move, probably moving so that they cross each other. Once they have finished moving, mentally say "Thank you", which will allow the rods to go back into their normal, neutral state. Now mentally ask "Which way means NO?" The rods will probably move into a position of being wide open. Once again, mentally say "Thank you" to allow the rods to go into the neutral state again.

Once you get the hang of it you can begin asking questions, phrased in a way that the answer will be either yes or no. For example: Question: Is today Monday? Is today Friday? etc. Be specific with any question you ask or the rods will not answer. For instance, instead of asking "Will I be rich?" ask "Will I make at least $100,000 in the year 2000?" Or, ask, "Will I buy a new car within the next 12 months?" If the answer is YES, you can begin to narrow it down by asking, "Will I buy a new car within the next 6 months, 3 months, 1 month?", etc.

It is best to start with questions that you really don't care one way or the other about the answer. The more detached you are about the questions you ask, the more accurate your reading will be. When asking very important or emotional questions, it's a good idea to start by asking a series of unimportant questions, as a way of warming up and enabling you to stay in a more neutral state when you get to the more important questions.

It's also possible that the rods will open for a yes, and cross for a no. If that happens, that is fine, and is the right way for you to use them. Everybody is different, so always start by asking "Which way is yes?", etc. If all else fails, hand them to a child and ask them to try them. Children tend to be very open to dowsing energies. Remember that being too willful can corrupt the accuracy of your reading.

For enhanced accuracy and protection when doing any kind of divination work, I highly recommend that you prepare a sacred space to work within. This can be accomplished in any number of ways, including, but not limited to, saying prayers of protection, calling on the higher power through meditation, etc. You'll find that just a few minutes spent in such a manner will bring about a greater sense of well-being, and a make the divination easier to do while allowing greater amounts of information to flow to you quickly.

And as with all things, when using these amazing tools always remember the two magic words, "please" and "thank you". When your heart is in the right place, and you ask humbly, and express sincere gratitude, you will find the answers you seek.

Sherry Sims has spent the last 20 years assisting people as a professional psychic, intuitive counselor, energy healer and teacher. Helping people to resolve personal and relationship issues has been at the core of her work. She gently assists her clients to accept their true power which allows them to begin taking control of their lives through healing, awareness, and self-love.

For more information and articles by Sherry Sims please visit

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