How to Hear from God

We want to hear from God so that we may be led to pursue the right things. Unfortunately, there are always three voices in every ones head at any given time; God's voice, the devil's voice, and the voice of our own flesh. So, how are we to be sure to hear from God with all the noise going on?

It really is very simple. If we want to hear from God, we need to shut up the other two. So, how do we do that?

First of all, the devil is easy to shut up. Psalm 22:3 says, "But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel." Satan will have to flee when we begin praising God because the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. The devil is not gonna stick around while you shout "Hallalujah" to the Lord.

Just shout out your praise to God. Praise Him for who He is, praise Him for what He has done, praise Him for His promises, and praise Him because He deserves it. As you are praising God, you will not hear from the devil.

Our flesh is the more difficult to control because it never can get enough and is never satisfied. It is also the most difficult to control because it is extremely self-centered. Even still, Jesus said, "Deny yourself and follow me." (Mark 8:34)

Your flesh doesn't want to follow Jesus. That would mean having to give up many things. It doesn't matter. We are to crucify the flesh. (Galatians 2:20) It is a decision.

When you quiet the evil twins, the devil and your own flesh, it is much easier to hear from God. Now, that does not mean you will hear an audible voice, although you may, but not likely.

God speaks in many different ways. Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me." (John 10:27) Clearly, before we can know God's voice, we must be like sheep. What are sheep? Only the dumbest animals on the face of the earth. We must become like dumb animals, knowing nothing, in and of ourselves. Being completely dependant upon God. This goes back to crucifying the flesh.

You can hear from God, and you should. It could be something from His written Word (logos). It could be His audible voice (rhema). You can also get His rhema Word spoken through a friend. Or, it can be nature, convictions, open and shut doors of opportunity, and the most likely, internal peace.

One way you will not hear from God is through your emotions. Emotions are dangerous ground because they are never consistent. They're up one minute and down the next. You can't make important decisions based on something so erratic.

Many times, you will not get a definite answer on something specific. The Bible tells us that we are to live our lives by faith. We are to step out and try things that we feel God is leading us to do. Maybe this will work, maybe that will work. We just have to step out see. "In the morning sow your seed?For you do not know which will prosper, either this or that, or whether both alike will be good." (Ecc 6:11)

One thing is for sure, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." (Psalm 37:23) Trust God for direction as you take a step of faith toward what you feel He is calling you to. He will let you know whether it is really Him or not.

Daniel N. Brown is the publisher of the "Living your Abundant and Prosperous Life" Newsletter. A FREE weekly publication that teaches how to live the abundant and prosperous life. Receive a FREE 7 page report entitled, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up.

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