Karma: Is It Good or is It Bad? You Decide!

We hear this word so often and have one thing stuck in our mind ? it's either a bad thing or a good thing. The other issue is: do we believe in Karma? Regardless of whether we believe in that word or not, it is still there. Karma plays a big part in our experiences and life lessons. Even if the "word" Karma does not exist in your personal vocabulary, karma still exists in your life.

By human nature, we usually drive ourselves to learn things the hard way. That's fine, and I can relate to that, but learning the hard way is one thing - repeating it over and over again from one experience to another is another thing. Have we ever asked ourselves why we keep running into the same experiences over the course of our life? For some people their way is by saying, "Well, it's just our karma." It is kind of an escape hatch created by a lack of understanding of what karma means in the first place.

I guess it is all right to run through an experience once or twice, but more than that becomes a bit habit forming and repetitive don't you think? We usually understand an experience by being able to integrate it into our own surrounding environment. From time to time, maybe we need to check our environment. Things usually start with us, and our perception of who we are.

In my personal experience, my brothers were always telling me about how I should have stability in my life and how I should maintain a job for more than two years. Every time they gave me that piece of advice, although it sounded great and made sense at the moment, I was not able to relate to it. Beyond that moment I basically was not able to understand stability and how to integrate it into my environment. Somehow, every time any suggestion of stability showed up in front of me, a new idea or a change in residence made me go in a different direction. That is the story of my life.

In the beginning, I blamed it on my karma and used it as an easy way out. But somehow with time, I decided to investigate it at a deeper level. I was lucky and learned about my own vibration through Numerology. It was my way out, a means of salvation. My conception and understanding of stability started to guide me to having a different perspective on my life.

The number four (4) in numerology represents stability, structure, and organization. That number is a missing number from my own vibration. What does this all mean in relation to my own situation? Every time someone tries to explain, or have me understand something that I have no definition of in my own personal experience, it was hard for me to comprehend what was being presented. Number four seems to be a challenge for me to understand all of my life. Now for the good news! I can now relate to that number. I am starting to apply a new mechanism and made an extra effort to learn it - I am changing my concept of things. I am not saying it is an easy process but at least I can now distinguish the importance of the "word" stability and am working my way through it in a new light. Can I still say it is my Karma? Yes I can, but in this case karma is a good thing when it comes to our soul's evolution.

The universe will always put someone in our pathway. Whether it is a brother, a sister, a child, a girlfriend or a boyfriend, allow your heart to accept them and mainly listen to what they are saying and try to not take it as a criticism. Do not underestimate a child's message because children will always sees us at our face value and without any superficiality attached. I always feel grateful to my brothers, my family, and every person that approaches me during the course of my life. Even if it is difficult some times to accept their message. Learn to appreciate the people around you even if YOU think they are tough on you. Sometimes we need to learn and look at it from their perspective too. Life is not always easy, but it is fun to be part of it.

There are two different kinds of Karma. There is Karma for our soul evolution, and also karma between people.

Karma of the soul plays a big part in the story of my life. This type of Karma is more difficult for other people surrounding us to understand. Usually, people will have a harder time at appreciating our situation. They will find it difficult to understand and wonder why we don't see our situation in the same way as they do. But the interesting part of all of this is that what we see, many times, doesn't make any sense to them, so the cycle of life keeps turning until we recognize our own situation. There is no right or wrong here. It is all part of our learning process that is called life. We are the only master of our Karma here regardless how many years it will take us to understand it.

Karma between people is something else; it can happen within the same family, with friends, or any kind of relationship between people. These situations can take us to any level we want them to. In the end, even if we are running into the worst-case scenarios with someone, instead of saying it is our karma, the solution is simply to say "?but what are we doing about it?" In reality it is up to us, and how we react to the situation. Are we exaggerating the situation and making a mountain out of a molehill? Do we just shut down altogether or do let it just slide off our backs? These types of Karma are in reality carried from a past life. When we look at karma and see the bigger picture can we acknowledge the added strength we gain? Hopefully we can realize how it brings to our life a reward much greater than the experience itself. A simple exercise of stepping outside of our selves, and having a bird's eye view, may hold many rewards and can help spotlight lots for us to try and understand. So regardless of which karma we are dealing with, it still is karma?

Karma deals with the law of cause and effect. Everything that happens to us (effect) has had a previous cause. The evolution of karmic law means that we can be master of our own destiny. Your karmic lessons in life reflect the qualities that you either lack, or are weak in, and are those hindering your success. They indicate experiences or obligations that you have avoided, or were not even aware of, from which you managed to escape in some past life. They now crop up in your present life as obstacles to your success, unless you make a conscious effort to conquer them.

We have only to remember that karma is a phase of experiences, or lessons that meets us at every cross road in our life. We do not like it because we do not know it. We fear it because we are ignorant of the advantages it may bring us. If we wait for life to teach us about it, we would first become more acquainted with, and have a better understanding of, its more difficult side. If we accept it willingly and consciously, we may benefit from it in every experience we encounter on the course that we call life.

We appreciate life when we are on good terms "with ourselves" and not only when we are having "good experiences". Look back on the toughest lessons in your life, and see if you still see them in the same terms as before.

So now what do you think? Karma: Is it good or is it bad? You decide!

Copyright ? Joseph Ghabi http://www.freespiritcentre.info

About the Author:

Joseph Ghabi is an author, lecturer, and healer. Joseph provides Intuitive Numerology Consultation, Healing Childhood Experiences Consultation and PhD Candidate living in Montreal Canada.

At the age of eight Joseph discovered his clairvoyance. Joseph is natural medium. Joseph started the 'Free Spirit Centre' website at http://www.freespiritcentre.info A community centre devoted to personal growth, self help, soul growth, eating disorders, relationships, healing and human issues. You can find over 800 articles on the site.

Joseph task is in bringing Souls back to realization of their own personal power and into alignment with their own soul purpose and path of evolution.

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