Law Vs. Grace

At first glance it does seem that law and grace are opposed. Even the Bible seems to be divided into two sections the Old Testament (law) and New Testament (grace).

The Old Testament and especially the first five books are all about law. How God expects righteousness from everyone. In fact God gives man the Ten Commandments in this section of the Bible. Surely this means that God expects man to live up to the Ten Commandments in an effort to please Him. Right?

Well if you take the Bible as a whole you begin to understand that the Ten Commandments were never given as a way to please God. God knows us, and our limits. They were given as a way to show us how far short we fall, a measuring stick to show us just how much we need Him.

Sound a little hopeless? It is hopeless to think that we can keep the Ten Commandments. Jesus showed us that in his teachings. "If a man hates it is the same as murder in the sight of God." Think about that. If you want to live under the Law then a white lie has the same penalty as murder!

It is pretty obvious that it is mans pride that makes him think he can keep the Law!

Forget about "It means strive for perfection" try that in a court of law. Smile!

Galatians 2:21
"I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"

The good news is that the law makes us realize just how much we really need God! It is the righteousness of God's Son that makes us acceptable in God's sight, not anything we have done.

Ephesians 2:8
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."

Because of that, we can concentrate on doing what God put us here on Earth for, instead of being under the burden of striving for something just out of reach!

God loves his creation and wants us to be free and productive for Him. We do not need to worry about genes, heredity, sexuality, or environment.

Just relax in Him and learn who we are in God and He will show us what is best for us!

Chris Hampton
Alpha Life Fellowship

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