Not Upon My Convictions but Upon the Blood of Jesus

"He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." Colossians 2: 13b -15, NIV

As we grow in our Christian faith, oft times we start to believe our own "press" about how righteous we are. We are of course, but not of our own efforts and certainly not because we're so great and know so much. Nope, it's by the blood of Jesus that we're righteous and not one thing that we do or have done.

You see we start learning and changing by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Then as we look back we start seeing how far we think we've come and how the unsaved seem so, well, unsaved to us. Maybe we've forgotten not only how far we've come ourselves but still have yet to go.

What is so cool about God is He will always remind us of what Jesus has done for us when we start to get a bit arrogant or think we're so great. In fact the other day I was talking with my sister-in-law and I told her, "The more I come to know the Lord and draw closer to Him, the more I realize what I don't know!". It's not that I haven't learned it's just that how can we even begin think we're "getting there" while still in our finite bodies and state?

I remember when my husband and I were talking recently I said, "we'll have eternity to know God and the infinite things of Him and we'll still never know it all!" Now THAT is amazing AND exciting to me. To realize we'll never even be able to think of growing bored.

I love what I do, my business, and working with people and their pets. However, I can't wait to see all that God has in store for us in eternity and it's that thought that keeps me from getting too arrogant and proudful in my walk. When I start to look at someone who is unsaved as "oh they are so ignorant" rather I'd like to think that Jesus is the answer for every single thing! He can change anyone, He changed me and is still changing me, Praise God!

So it's not my convictions or beliefs that matter or being right, but rather, Jesus and being purified through His blood and sharing that with those who don't know Him, YET.

That's what I think about a lot these days -sharing Him and not always talking about what I think about things. Sharing Jesus, because He changes minds, and hearts and bodies. Not me and not my convictions.

Rather, having a burden for souls for His sake, not mine. Loving others enough to share Jesus with them no matter what they think of me and again not about what I think or feel about things. Just Him. That's it. Just Him. He's what matters in the long and short of all things.

Jesus. Let's just go out and share Him in all that we do, say, think. By our actions, by our love brethren, the world will know Him.

About the Author:
Kim Bloomer teaches pet owners how to care for their pets naturally and prevent disease through natural feeding, modalities, and products. Visit her website aspenbloom pet care to learn more.

Visit her dog's blog to learn about natural pet care from a canine and friends perspective aspenbloom pet care

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