Picture This (Part Two)

In part one, I described an existence that is absolute, and a being of perfection that only the creator would know, this is the source of all that is, this is what many would call God.

In the physical world about as close as we could get to imagine the same reality as the creator would be within the "White Room," experiment.

In the "White Room," experiment you would be dressed from head to toe in white. You would somehow be suspended within a white cubical that is exactly the same shade of white. Your arms and legs are separated and fixed away from your body and your head is pointing straight up to the white ceiling. Your only movements would be with your eyes with minimal head movement.

As humans we often mistake our brain for our mind. Our brain is a processor much like a computer, but it is not our mind. Information is fed into it and it is processed in what ever manner we choose. Without input a computer does not work and likewise our brain would very quickly stop functioning.

Because everything is whited out in the room you can no longer define yourself relatively to the room, you can only rely on memory to give yourself definition. You may be able to think about your situation for a period of time but you would not be able to experience it.

Once the brain begins to shut down there would be no access to memory as it is not part of the brain, and because you can no longer distinguish any part of your body from the walls, floors or ceiling you would no longer be able to define your body as to size relative to anything. You could not judge distance to the walls or floor from ceiling. The only thing that you would know, would be what the brain could retrieve from memory and because you are no longer in an open system and being fed new information, in a very short time the brain would shut down completely.

You would know for a period of time that you existed until the memories completely faded away and eventually you would not know yourself as being anything. Such was the predicament of the creator; he/she was aware of self but could not experience himself. The only desire that the creator had was to know himself and to do that she came up with a brilliant plan.

Now back to our white room experiment.

While you are suspended in the middle of the room, someone with a marker makes a small dot on one of the walls. What was just created was time and space relative to you. Your brain now has some information to process and it starts working again. You can see the dot and can give it a name. You can also give the color a name and you can judge the size and shape of the dot and its relative position in the room to you.

Once you have defined the dot and its position in time and space, you can now start to redefine yourself relative to the dot. Your brain is becoming fully functional once again and you are now starting to experience yourself once more as something other than the dot. More things are slowly added to the room and you keep redefining yourself relative to them. The more things are added the greater and more sophisticated and complex you become. At one point you were nothing and now you are everything and everything keeps changing.

Relativity was the great life saviour for the creator. Life was created through the relationship between what the creator was not and what he was even though undefined. The word life describes this movement from what is not, to what is, to what is not. Life is about moving in the illusion of time and space, the imagined separation of the creator's parts gives the creator life. So long as live keeps trying to find itself the creator can experience self through this movement.

The one purpose of life is to create life; in the creation of life purpose and definition are given. No life (God) tries to define itself as life through its parts, through you. The physical world is only one realm of existence within which the creator tries define itself. Humanities ego is the imagined separation from the creator; it is the dot on the wall.

As the creator tries to define itself through its parts, we do likewise. We try to give ourselves purpose and meaning in the physical world by being relative to our environment and others. We cannot give ourselves definition in a white room, so we do it through all the aspects of our physical life through the physical senses and those senses measure relativity. Hot is relative to cold, black is relative to white, happy is relative to sad, sweet is relative to bitter and so on.

Your life has no purpose other than to be. Purpose is the definition that you give to your life and is relative to nothing, which is what you truly are. You are life trying to experience life and create life and you are a process, not a thing. What you make of your life is your own choosing and that is why you have "Ego," (separation).

Life is always free, it is unconditional and unrestricted. Life finds itself where ever life is. Ego creates its own limitations and Ego limits its imagined life. When one gets past his/her ego, he/she once again finds unlimited power and enlightenment but it can no longer experience itself physically. Ego is the only aspect of one's being that cannot see through the illusion of physical existence.

There is no answer to what the creator is, because the creator does not know him/herself. The creator is life in progress defining and redefining itself. We are the creator in physical life, experiencing all aspects of self physically in imagined individuals or egos. Our individuality is an illusion that creates relativity in time and space.

Having this awareness should open doors for you. Within the limitation that you alone set for yourself, you have access to the power of that which created you because you are both the creator and the created. The awareness and acceptance of this is the key that opens the doors. You cannot have power until you know that you already have it. The price for ignorance and fear is no direct power over your life and its circumstances, NO REAL POWER! You may be on the bus, but you are only going along for the ride. Where you place yourself on the bus is your choice. The closer you get to the front the better the opportunity to drive it. With awareness comes opportunity, responsibility and power.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.

You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same.

Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS.

Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com

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