Resolutions or Revelations?

There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve ourselves either outwardly or inwardly. What's important is to check the motives behind the improvements.

Do we want to improve our outward appearance in order to get more attention from the opposite sex or do we just want to be healthier as a result of losing weight? Are we trying to make improvements that will get us attention from those around us or are we secretly improving the hidden parts that only God sees? If flattery and compliments are what we seek, then these are vain and futile improvements. They won't get us anywhere.

"You do not know (the least thing) about what may happen tomorrow. What is the nature of your life? You are (really) but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while, and then disappears (into thin air)" Jm. 4:16 (Amplified)

Oops! And you thought you would be around forever!!! God knows better, and so should we. We aren't an exception to the rule. All our improvements to grant us satisfaction of the flesh are all useless. Man has been searching for the fountain of youth forever, and the only way to find it is through God's Word, the Living Waters.

We are not promised another day after this one, we don't know at what time our lives will be cut off, only God knows that. We tend to take this for granted when we make long term plans for happiness. It's all fleeting. We are given this time, right now, and anything other than that is pure foolishness. After all, what is tomorrow? Have you actually lived tomorrow? A gas station put out a sign in front of their building which read, "Free gas tomorrow". When the customers expected free gas the following day, the owner said, "It's not tomorrow, it's today!" Tomorrow never comes. Living for today is what is important. The gas station wasn't falsely advertising, when tomorrow does get here, it is then today!

That is why Christ advises in Jm. 4:15 that we ought to say, "If the Lord is willing, we shall live and shall do this thing or that thing."

The length of our fragile lives is all in God's hands, so it doesn't much really matter what precautions we take to prolong them. It's still a good idea to stay healthy because your body is a temple of the Lord. He wants to use you.

As we are setting goals for ourselves, are we boasting and bragging along the way? Do we try to build ourselves up in front of others causing envy or jealousy and taking satisfaction in that? Remember, as it is written in God's Word that those who are first (now) shall (later) be last and those who are last (now) shall (later) be first. God rewards the humble. As you humble yourself, He will exalt you and as you exalt yourself, He will humble you. Think about that the next time you draw attention to yourself.

"But as it is, you boast (falsely) in presumption and your self-conceit. All such boasting is wrong." Jm. 4:16

Now knowing that tomorrow never comes and boasting and bragging are useless, then we should then reconsider that these resolutions should become a revelation. This should open up our eyes to the things that really matter.

As all improvements go, they bring sacrifices and suffering. They are meant to crucify the flesh. Like the saying goes, "No pain, no gain." How very true that is.

With this pain and suffering comes life long lessons. The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians about the hardships he had endured, such as stoning, beating, and imprisonment. He barely escaped death and did it all for the love of Christ. As he wrote in 2 Cor. 12:7, he described a thorn in the flesh that Satan gave him. Although he never mentioned exactly what this thorn was, the main thing to remember is, we all have one and this way we can identify with his. He begged God to remove it three different times. (2 Cor. 12:8) But since God knows what's best, did not take away this pain and suffering but instead told Paul, "My Grace is sufficient for you." In other words, God makes us strong in our weaknesses through His infinate Grace and Wisdom. He gives us the ability to keep going when all looks hopeless. He told Paul that His strength and power are made perfect and show themselves most effective in his own weaknesses. It was then that Paul realized that in his weakness and infirmities that he could gladly glory in them. In the next verse (2 Cor. 12:10) Paul continues to write that he is well pleased and takes pleasure in the insults, hardships, persecutions, perplexities and distresses, for when he is weak in human strength, then he is truly strong, able and powerful in divine strength.

As we consider a resolution for ourselves in self improvement, perhaps we should look at it as revelation instead. We should have our eyes open to the true meaning of what it means to try and make ourselves better. We shouldn't be doing it for ourselves, we should be doing it for our Father.

No matter what we try to do in life, Satan will always be around to sink a thorn into us, to make us weak and vulnerable, but when we take to heart that God's grace is sufficient for us, we can learn to laugh in the face of adversity.

Life is for living to honor God and not false idols, just remember that you are not the be all and end all. Your life is a gift, how will you use it? If you live your life serving God, it will count for eternity in peace, if not, it will be an eternity in hell.

We all have a free will choice to live our lives the way we want. We can either follow God, or we can become our own god. Either way, there will be very real consequences to pay. Do you know if you have salvation in your life? Have you asked God to forgive your sins?

Heaven or Hell, it's your call. If you are not a child of the Most High God, remember, He can not accept you into His Kingdom of Righteousness. He has a place reserved for those who don't want to serve Him now. But on the other hand, He will gladly accept you into His Kingdom and give you all that is laid aside for you if you only recognize His Son Christ as the One Who came to pay the ransom for your sins. They are forgiven once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, to be ruler over your life. Believe that He died, was buried and rose on the third day and was resurrected into heaven at the right side of His Father. He promises to make your enemies His footstool. Who's side are you on?

Vivian Gordon loves to write inspirational articles that bring God's Word to life so that others may understand the meaning of their own lives better according to God's promises.

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