Solitons and Wavelets

Everything in the entire universe, big and small, visible and invisible, is composed of energy.

Quarks and quasars, gluons and galaxies, protons and persons, molecules and minds, sunsets and sensations, electrons and ebooks, anything and everything, are all composed of energy. All matter and all anti-matter is composed of energy. There is even a formula describing it. E= mc2. In order to properly understand the nature of reality, what matters is not matter, itself, but the energy that enables it.

In other words, in order to accurately know a thing, anything, including yourself, you must understand the energy that enables it to exist.

Energy is comprised of coherent vibrations or waveforms.

According to modern physics, the energy that enables the universe to exist has been subdivided into four categories; weak nuclear force that acts to hold sub-atomic particles together, strong nuclear force that acts to hold atoms together, electromagnetism that acts to hold molecules together, and gravity that acts to hold large molecular structures such as galaxies, together.

Weak nuclear force determines the behavior of quantum particles such as neutrinos, leptons and quarks that make up atomic particles like protons and neutrons. Without his force there would be no coherence of atomic nuclei. You would not exist without it. Neither would anything else. Weak nuclear force is a coherent vibration.

Strong nuclear force holds the nucleus of atoms, neutrons and protons, together. Without this force, you would have no atomic coherence and would not exist. Neither would anything else. Strong nuclear force is a coherent vibration.

Electromagnetism is the force that determines the behavior of charged particles like the electron and magnetized particles like ions. Without this force, there would be no molecular coherence and you would not exist and neither would anything else. Electromagnetism is a coherent vibration.

Gravity is the force that holds galaxies together, holds the earth in orbit around the sun and holds your body to this planet. Without it, nothing would exist. Gravity is a coherent vibration.

What permits or enables the existence of the universe and everything in it, including you, is coherent vibration or harmony. Creation happens because of harmonics. The how of creation is the expression of harmony.

The universe and everything in it, including you, is comprised or made up of harmonic waveforms.

A waveform or vibration is characterized, or is measurable and definable, by amplitude, periodicity, frequency and shape.

Amplitude is the size of the waveform. Periodicity is the length of time a waveform exists or occurs. Frequency is how often a waveform repeats or recurs within a given period of time. Shape is the form that the wave takes as it moves thru time and space. Some waves change. Some stay the same. These waves that stay the same are often called standing waves or Solitons. They have more coherence than the changeling or mutable waveforms.

I can almost hear you thinking, "what on earth is he on about and why all this stuff about physics, waves and such?"

I am going to assume that you would prefer to have a life that goes your way. That is to say, you would like to be happy and successful. That means that you will need to learn how to create events, circumstances and conditions in your life that are in tune with your aspirations for yourself.

So, you need to learn how creation works in order to become an effective creator. In order to manifest that which you desire in life, you will need to apply the same rules that are used for all creation.

So, getting back to reality? amplitude and shape are space related aspects of waves and periodicity and frequency are time related aspects of waves.

The combination of the time and space related aspects of waveforms or vibrations are what molds your four dimensional reality of the time/space continuum and all things in it.

Your thoughts and your desires are waveforms. Your beliefs are waveforms. Passing thoughts and casual desires are mutable waveforms. Clear consistent thought patterns and constant fervent desires are solitons. Opinions are mutable waveforms. Core beliefs are solitons.

Mutable waveforms adapt to preexisting circumstances and conditions. Solitons pass through circumstances and conditions unchanged in themselves and effect change on the environment they pass through.

That means that if you take control of your thoughts, desires and beliefs in order to bring about a consistency and harmony to them, you will be able to create effects rather than be an effect. You can learn to be causal rather than merely effectual. You can learn to be creator instead of mere creature.

The various waveforms that make up the universe we perceive emanate from a universal consciousness.

The way you perceive your reality is by the interaction of your individual consciousness with these waveforms.

Your eyes do not see things any more than a camera lens sees things. They only focus light waves in order to stimulate an electrochemical event in your brain. Your mind, an aspect of your consciousness, then interprets the patterns of these sparking neurons in order to create a picture in your imagination.

Your ears do not hear sound any more than a microphone hears sound. They only focus sound waves in order to stimulate an electrochemical event in your brain. Your mind, an aspect of your consciousness, then interprets the patterns of these sparking neurons in order to create an impression.

Your tongue does not taste. Your nose does not smell. Your skin does not feel. All that happens is that your nerves are being stimulated by waveforms. This stimulation creates electrochemical events in your brain that your mind interprets in order to elucidate the interaction of your consciousness with universal consciousness.

Your conception of reality is completely determined, defined and limited by your perceptual abilities. When you allow your picture of reality to be defined by your physical sen5es, you are restricting yourself.

In order to fully comprehend the nature of reality, you must first understand the nature of consciousness.

Energy is created by consciousness. Consciousness pervades energy infusing it with its attributes as delineated by the four forces previously described and the four aspects of waveforms also previously described.

All things contain consciousness: photons, leptons, electrons, gravitons and imaginatons* all contain consciousness.

Every thought originates in consciousness. Every thought creates a waveform defined by amplitude, periodicity, frequency and shape.

The universe is a thought form of a universal consciousness. Your ability to think enables you to have an effect on the universe or to be causal.

Why not choose to do it consciously instead of unconsciously? You get to create on purpose instead of by accident.

* An imaginaton is a basic wave/particle of mind-a thought; just as a graviton is a basic wave/particle of gravity and a photon is a basic wave/particle of light.

? Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

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