Spiritual Healing - The Hidden Truth and Misconception

Throughout history, what is portrayed in all religions as being the manifestation of prayer or miracles is in fact manifestation of our connection with the essence of our Soul and the manifestation of the power of spiritual healing. We have heard throughout the centuries about such miracles that have happened to people, and how they changed their lives. This has carried on until now when we still hear of these 'miracles' in our time today. What would be the difference between a miracle that has been approved by a religion and one that has been manifested by a healer?

Why is it that at this point of our time and with all of the technological advancement we claim to have achieved as humans, we still approve of one particular or 'morally acceptable' form of miraculous healing and disregard another? How does it stand in such a case where a particular healer belongs to a certain religion? Does his or her manifestation become a miracle? Also in certain ways there is no huge difference between the power of healing and the power of prayer if we really think about it. The same intention of sending healing thoughts is there, regardless of how we chose to 'label' the procedure.

There are two types of healing, self-healing and spiritual healing. How much do we really understand the difference between the two? Can we refer to them as being a science? Or in such a case where science cannot explain or rationalize the manifestation itself, do we then find it would be easier to disregard it all together rather than investigating? Perhaps it is when something does not bring us much financial profit it then becomes worthless for us to investigate. Well it seems there are many question marks when it comes to the subject of healing and apparently with little answers.

The way I see it in terms of self-healing and spiritual healing, both forms are misrepresented and at the same time abused. On a personal level, on the medical level and on the government level, it seems we are very much unaware of the real benefit that comes from it.

Before going further into this and for some of you who do not know or understand what I am talking about, let us identify and define both forms of healing, from my own point of view of course!

Self-healing is the effect that a person can inflict upon themselves, in terms of a manifestation when bringing his or her state of mind, either physical, or emotional, into perfect harmony and balance with the universal flow of energies to get him or herself into 'normal' state of being. We all have this power within ourselves even if we do not believe it is so. This can be practiced through praying or self-inflicted healing.

We know that someone who is a 'Spiritual Healer' is someone who is normally referred to as being an 'instrument'. This is so when souls from a different dimension to our own use the 'instruments' body as a channel to perform their work of spiritual healing. These 'healing' souls are sometimes called 'spirit doctors'. They use their wisdom and knowledge from the universal flow of energies to manipulate a human being into a state of perfection. This is successful so long as no-one has been tampered with, in terms of having their body altered when having organs removed or by being operated upon. What is the cost of all of this? Well it's FREE. So let's explore all factors involved here.

We will start with the healers themselves.

Who are those healers? A healer is a person that accepts the work of spirit souls or spirit doctors. The healer allows himself or herself to become an instrument for the wonderful work of spirit to be carried out through. To inform you, I personally am one of these healers. In my personal experience in working with healing for many years and being self taught by working with my guides, I do believe the maximum time and what I feel is necessary to provide the energy to someone is no more than 15 minutes. Even this length of time can be too long in certain cases. The reason is because healing usually takes effect according to the person who is receiving the healing them self.

When someone falls into the handwork of a healer, it is not a coincidence, it is by choice unconsciously. Manifestation has to be carried out and healing will take place on other levels of our consciousness. It has to be done on a soul level, astral level, and subconscious level before it can ever manifest physically with that person. Those levels that we don't see and might not be even aware of can be worked out before that person even meets up with his or her healer. Their meeting then becomes a mere formality to allow changes to take effect on the physical level. All work is usually carried out during their sleep state, except for the physical and can be done in case of what is called absent or distant healing. With all of that said, no healing should take place outwith the person's Free Will of choice.

In our world of today, healing, just like anything else has been abused. Some healers are taking advantage of this gift by misrepresenting the benefits of it. It seems to have become a way of overly charging their patient financially and in some cases providing them with false hopes. When healing becomes a business, how do we know that healing is genuine after all? If the healing gift is used only as a means of survival for the healer where do we draw the line between what is a true healing and what is a mere attempt of making money based upon the needs of the person who has come to receive healing?

This circumstance is unfortunate for both parties involved here. The healers will pay the price for their actions of abusing the healing on a Soul level by creating Karma for themselves which will have to repaid, later on in their evolution. In terms of accepting money for healing, it is alright to accept being given a donation, but only at the patients own discretion.

Working with healing is the purest gift that a human being can achieve in one lifetime in terms of working with any form of Mediumship. I would like to make sure that you understand that it is not the power of the healer that is making the change in any situation it is the work of his or her assisted spirit doctors. So just how convinced are we when we see an advertisement asking us to spend $50 and we will be provided with a healing? Really, how effective is that healing going to be after all? It is the same as the 'Psychic Hotline' or having a tarot reading over the phone? I once saw an advertisement in a local newspaper that required some people to work on one of these 'Psychic lines' and it did state 'with or without experience'. Experience does not matter after all because in the end, we are either open to these gifts, or we are not, but how effective are those readings going to be such a case as this?

Healers should not attempt to prescribe or go against any medical challenge. Rather, they should work in conjunction with the medical field in order to bring harmony to the patient. Most often, the medical community will take credit for the cure but that is far out from the truth in many instances. This is because in many cases the doctor has declared that they still cannot comprehend what has happened for their patient to return back to a normal state of health. In my opinion, recognition is sometimes a boost for our ego and personally as a healer, I feel I can do without that ego boost!

I believe the medical community's main concern with regard to spiritual healing is they fear it as being a threat to their business. As we all know, being a doctor is a serious business and I personally do salute the doctors who perform operations for people who have been involved in accidents, war zones or any other dangerous place. These are miracle doctors in my opinion! Their work is driven by the compassion they feel toward their fellow man or women and they do deserve all the recognition in the world. Many times they are not recognized, but I believe that this is not as important to some as might be to some other doctors. A human soul becomes a mere number in today's society, regardless if you are rich or poor and are only passing your bill for the government or insurance collection at the end of the day.

Why is the medical community afraid to use some extra assistance to bring in harmony and health to their patients? By all means, if they need the recognition for curing the patient, well they can have the recognition and no harm will be done because I do not believe a true healer cares about being recognized in the first place. Their reward is beyond any recognition and I believe many healers know what I am talking about. There are so many healers who do prefer to work in the background without any recognition and without even being known.

Now what is Governments role in bringing their awareness of healing to a level of understanding? It is in their interest to look into this aspect of healing when all costs are increasing in terms of the Medicare. Different governments have a different understanding of this subject when regular people have little or no understanding about spiritual healing at all! There is no sufficient 'rational' explanation of this work, even when attempting to look deeper into the matter. In some cases it is said to be the work of the devil! For God's sake then we can't blame our Government for this!

It is a shame when someone in a government office places rules upon spiritual healing when they themselves are not even aware of its functionality. I believe their judgment in many cases is based upon their own personal belief system or according to their religion for example. In some governments restrictions and regulations are applied on healing. However, how can we dictate to a healer and tell him or her not to touch the person receiving the healing. In fact, most healing sessions can even happen in public. Is it classed as being dangerous and sexually abusive when a male healer touches a woman with her clothes on and in the same a male doctor touching woman who is undressed is alright? That is a double standard or am I wrong here?

Why there is no law on the way doctors should practice? I guess there is a contradiction somewhere in these matters! Doctors do have backup from associations and organizations and healers don't. There's something to think about!

I do believe it is seen as threat for doctors if healers are used in hospitals. Why? So long as both the doctor and the healer are working for the benefit of the human soul they are trying to cure, there is no harm done. Governments should loosen up on their regulations toward the practice of healers to be fair toward everyone, and yes, there are many advantages for all governments from doing so. What I ask is for us not to be entirely dependent upon healers, but only for us to have an open mind and allow them to be consulted in hospitals. This should be a matter of choice from the patient them self as they have the right to their own Free Will!

Day after day from what we can see happening in the world, and being human souls we seem to have no right to choose for ourselves what we feel is best for us. All decisions seem to be made for us all, regardless if it was by a large corporation, a government, a religious group or just our society as a whole.

So we can see there is a problem on all sides and maybe we need to really evaluate the simple things in life one more time. From what we can see in our society, I think we do we have enough space to make changes.

Copyright ? Joseph Ghabi http://www.freespiritcentre.info

About the Author:

Joseph Ghabi is an author, lecturer, and healer. Joseph provides Intuitive Numerology Consultation, Healing Childhood Experiences Consultation and PhD Candidate living in Montreal Canada.

At the age of eight Joseph discovered his clairvoyance. Joseph is natural medium. Joseph started the 'Free Spirit Centre' website at http://www.freespiritcentre.info A community centre devoted to personal growth, self help, soul growth, eating disorders, relationships, healing and human issues. You can find over 800 articles on the site.

Joseph task is in bringing Souls back to realization of their own personal power and into alignment with their own soul purpose and path of evolution.

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