Spring Cleanup

The junk I'm talking about is the stuff that we keep stored up inside ourselves. It's the excess baggage in our lives that tends to weigh us down and serves no purpose. This heavy load dims our spirits and dims the light within us. These things more specifically are known as Doubt, Fear, Unforgiveness, Anxiety, Pride, Rebellion, Hatred, Double-Mindedness, you get the idea, the things that keep us held in bondage.

It seems a waste to keep all this extra baggage hanging around when it was already bought and paid for. Not only that, it has already been redeemed as new. God said He would trade us this useless junk with a far more valuable treasure, which is Eternal Life through His Son Jesus Christ.

"He who did not withold or spare (even) His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all (other) things?" Rom. 8:32 (Amplified)

Wow, this is God's promise that whatever you ask of Him according to His will, He will not withold anything from you. He will give you His grace, His mercy and once you have experienced that kind of freedom, you will never go back to the way you once were.

It should be our goal in our Christian walk to become disciples, true followers of Christ. But this can not be accomplished if we are walking around with all this extra baggage that only slows us down. Jesus told His disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross and conform to His example. (Matt. 16:24) Think about that, what kind of example would Jesus have been if He had walked around heavy in spirit and heavy in heart? He came as the Way, the Truth and the Life. All of these things represent FREEDOM from our burdens.

"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but an encouraging word makes it glad." Prov. 12:25 (Amplified) It's no secret that anxiety or any of those other burdens mentioned will weigh a person down. True happiness and encouragement comes from God.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life." Prov. 13:12 (Amplified) All this means is, without hope your life will be lost, and no hope is a life without God, but once He enters in, He will give you a new life, an eternal one.

These are but a couple verses that warn us of carrying around these heavy loads on our own and also what will be the result if we give them to God. He has given us the opportunity to unload this stuff on Him so we can be light on our feet.

"Little children, you are of God (you belong to Him) and have (already) defeated and overcome them (the agents of the antichrist), because He who lives in you, is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world." 1 Jn. 4:14 (Amplified) This means that once God is in you, there is nothing you can't accomplish.

When Christ uttered these words, "It is finished" He didn't mean His life here on this earth, but that it was now the beginning of you and me. He finished all our debts, He paid for them and defeated the enemy who has tried to get his claws in us since Adam and Eve. Jesus finished what we ourselves could never pay for, it was a done deal!

Why then do we still hang onto the very things that He already paid for? Christ has given us all a personal invitation which is: "For My yoke is wholesome, useful, good-not harsh, hard, sharp or pressing, but comfortable, gracious and pleasant, and My burden is light and easy to be borne." Matt. 11:30 (Amplified)

God's grace is not meant for us to merely "put up" with these unwanted burdens, on the contrary, His grace is meant to clean out all our excess baggage and haul it away! The Lord does not tolerate compromise, He wants us to arise.

"I can do ALL things through Christ, Who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13. This doesn't say "some" things, it says "ALL" things can be done when Christ takes our yoke of heavy burdens, because we are now free. This should be a good initiative to hand it all over once and for all.

God intended for us to have dominion over the earth, not for the earth to have dominion over us. What better time than right now to start cleaning out the useless, heavy, toxic garbage. We were given the power and authority through the blood of Christ to declare the anointing and blessings from God and also to receive them!

If you are heavy laden with garbage of the soul, ask the Lord to forgive you because you have sinned. Sinning is a heavy weight to carry. Give it to Jesus because He shed His blood at Calvary and already paid for it. When you invite Christ to come into your life and ask sincerely, you will feel that weight being lifted off of you immediately. This is one area where God moves speedily. He is always on time, but when we repent, His timing is in sync with ours because He knows our needs and wants us to come to Him in humbleness.

The power of Jesus Christ that is within you is greater than the pressure of all the troubles that surround you.

Vivian Gordon is a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and is inspired to write articles that may help lead those who are lost or may have fallen away because of lies they may have heard. She is led to write the truth about the living Word of God and incorporate it in ways that others can identify. She has been called into the ministry of teaching and is currently writing and illustrating her first children's Christian book. Also is a prayer warrior for health and healing for those who don't know what to pray for.

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