Thank You Lord, Most Graciously

There are moments in the believer's life when the Spirit of the living God gets in us and gives birth to thanksgiving and holy reflection. Moments when we really comprehend how good God is and how good He has been. Not only how good He has been in general, but how good He has been to us particularly. We reflect upon how He stepped into our own situation, how when nothing else could help, His love lifted us. We ponder how in those times when we were down and could not hear anybody pray, He spoke to our hearts and lifted our burdens.

Suddenly we get caught up in a flood of thankful emotions and it feels like fire shut up in our bones. During these moments of "knowing" we join with the Psalmist in giving thanks the Lord and praise to His holy name. We know that "the Lord is good; His love endures forever and His faithfulness continues through all generations." We know that He is the Source of comfort and blessings and we offer our praise and thanksgiving. We feel overwhelming gratitude because we know that regardless of how often the skies of our lives get cloudy; there are times when the skies are clear. Regardless of how often it may rain in our lives, God always gives us a break from our troubles, relief from our despair.

Yes, through it all, God is good. If it had not been for the goodness and mercy of our God, we would have been gone a long time ago. Because of His love, we are not consumed. Because of His longsuffering and compassion, He has not dealt with us according to our sins. We have no right to the least of God's mercies but by His grace alone, we are able to go on. Give praises to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

I thank you Lord, most graciously,
For considering me worthy of humanity.
Though the world is filled with grief and strife,
I thank you Lord, for giving me life.

I thank you Lord, most graciously,
That I'm living in the land of liberty.
A land where there's freedom of worship and speech;
A land where the stars I can struggle to reach.

I thank you Lord, most graciously,
For all the blessings you have bestowed on me.
You haven't treated me harshly as I well deserve,
Rather, you sent Jesus, my soul to preserve.

I thank you Lord, most graciously,
For the great salvation you've given to me.
For revealing the Truth, the Life and the Way,
And giving me hope of heaven someday.

Yes, I thank you Lord, most graciously,
And I pray this prayer in deep sincerity.
Thanks for the fruits which in me you have planted,
And thank you for every good thing you have granted.

Excerpt from - Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach

Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach which can be reviewed on her site. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, is expected to be available in July.

You are welcome to visit amen ministries: your soul's service station for spiritual refreshing, soul edification or to browse our newly expanded mini shopping mall.

Blessings to all!

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