The Power Of Prayer - Gush Katif Needs You Now

You can't help but feel a sense of electricity in the air. History is unfolding, make that prophecy is being fulfilled, and will continue to be fulfilled daily from now until the coming of the Lord. The most exciting, and challenging times in human history are beginning to unfold with increased intensity each day.

Last evening hundreds of local believers both Jewish and gentile, gathered in prayer at the Pavilion in the center of downtown Jerusalem. Pastors from many congregations came together to lead a time of prayer that focused on Ezekiel 36, and 37. We prayed for seven specific points that included thanksgiving for all that God has already done in fulfilling His promises to redeem His land and re-gather His people. We prayed that the land itself would bear its fruit and bless the people of Israel. We prayed for massive aliyah from around the world, including the Messianic Jews. We prayed for the salvation of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. We prayed for the government, that God would give them wisdom, and that He would establish righteous leaders in the land. We prayed that the disengagement would be thwarted and that God's people would inhabit all of the land that God has promised. And we prayed for unity amongst the Jewish people and that there would not be a civil war and Jew pitted against Jew. At the end we included a prayer that the Arab people would be saved and that they would be freed from the bondage of Islam.

We sang songs; we spoke blessings and exalted the name of our King and Messiah. And we rejoiced in the fact that so many Jews were gathered in the name of Yeshua, in the city of Jerusalem, blessing the name of the King of the Jews, the redeemer of mankind. This is a true sign of just how close we are to the coming of the Lord.

Today, a massive gathering of Jews from around Israel, and indeed the world, gathered together for a rally and then they started marching in a show of unity to Gush Katif. All day Israel National News Radio broadcast reports of police attempting to stop people from reaching the rally. They pulled over buses and took the drivers license away from the bus drivers, and impounded the buses if they were carrying people to the rally. These are the actions of a police state, make no mistake about it. This is a desperate government that is willing to suspend all rule of law in order to move forward with their scheme to uproot Jews to appease the leaders of the world. However it seems that the more the government tries to discourage the opposition movement, the more determined the opposition movement becomes.

Today after the rally there were perhaps 70,000 people walking towards Gush Katif, when ten thousand or more police formed a human barrier across the road and fields adjacent to the highway. The people simply stopped and rested for a while, singing songs and playing games when unexpectedly on a countdown, they ran straight at the police line and broke through running to the road and started marching once again towards their target. They even waved goodbye at the police who were dumbfounded and tired from chasing the protestors across the fields.

God is defending His land, and He is doing it in the hearts of the settler movement and religious Zionism. These people love the land that God has given them; they know that He has been faithful to perform His word and fulfill every promise, and that the coming of the Messiah is very near. As believers in Yeshua, we know that He has already come, and that His coming again is fast approaching, but these people have the Messianic promise burned deep in their hearts, and it is only a matter of time before they see the truth and are set free.

If you are a true believer in Jesus, Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, then right now you MUST pray!

Pray for the safety of all of those marching to the Gush. Because they are not only facing massive resistance from the government that is likely to turn violent soon, but they are also facing Palestinian terrorist as they approach the entrance to Gaza. This is the area of the most fierce and dedicated terrorist in the world, and the marchers are sitting ducks unless the Lord gives divine protection. And that is exactly what we need to be praying for, and what I believe the Lord is going to do. Every time the world has gathered against Israel in the past, this little country has seen divine deliverance, and we need it more today than at anytime in history.

Tom Cooper
The Israel Report

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