The Power of Myth to Transform Your Life

Irish myth has the power to transform your life into a real life of creativity and love. There are many powerful symbols that you might embrace in order to create a real sense of belonging in the world. Let me share some of these symbols that can assist in your truly connecting to the homeplace of the heart.

1. You are one of the 'beautiful people'

Beyond all your defensiveness and uncertainty you still belong to the world of beauty. You cannot ever fall out of this although you may feel apart from it. The return of beauty does not belong to you. You are the return of beauty. You are one of the Tuatha de Danaan. You are still a child of the universe, no less than the moon and the stars.

2. Find sustenance from the Cauldron of Plenty

This cauldron of plenty is one of the four magic gifts the Tuatha de Danaan brought with them to the land of Ireland from the isle of Danaan. It is a cauldron that is always empty yet sustains all who feed from it. This cauldron represents a wonderful paradox. It is a representation of unconditional love. Out of nothing comes everything that can sustain body, mind and soul. Love is a wondrous surrender to the emptiness that is totally fulfilling.

3. Find unity in a Celtic Cross

The Celtic Cross is a symbol of deep unity. It is both masculine and feminine. It is this whole and holy. It includes a circle that has no beginning or end just as your being has no beginning or end. It has vertical and horizontal lines that represent your connection to time and space. It helps to remind you that you are a timeless being living in the limitation of space and time. It reminds you that at the centre of who you are is an emptiness that paradoxically is the most fulfilling experience you can enter.

4. Heal all wounds with the Spear of Lugh

The spear of Lugh is a magic spear. It is a healing spear. It you allow it to enter your body in a metaphorical sense it will heal all wounds. A spear is something that you let go at a target. In the letting go the spear flies to find the mark. Finding the mark is the opposite of the original meaning of the word 'sin.' 'Sin' was originally an archery term meaning to miss the mark. It is only time and the accumulation of other interpretation that has overlaid and burdened the word with the connotation of guilt.

5. Sit awhile and rest in purpose

From the isle of Danaan the beautiful people brought the stone of destiny. This is the stone that speaks one's purpose. It is a seat on which to sit allows you space to be who you are. It is ancient and speaks to the king in all of us. If you can get quiet enough you will hear this stone whisper secrets at the dawning of each new day. It will invite you to embrace the beauty of who you are.

6. Learn to cross the thresholds between two worlds

You are a being of two worlds, the time and the timeless. Do not go asleep. Wake each dawn to a new day and the possibility of love. Learn to cross the threshold into the room beyond the circle of time. Move into the circle of love. This threshold is always waiting for you. When you cross the threshold of time you enter eternity. This is not a place where time is long but where time is not. Know that the blessing is here and it is you.

? Tony Cuckson 2005

Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means "Soul Friend." He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Blessings for YOU, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Visitors to Irish Blessings Matter website and Tony's Blog get the opportunity to develop a purpose driven life through articles, newsletters and other programs. Get your free report called "7 ways to it's a wonderful life" at blessings for you or go to Tony`s Blog at blessings for you - Blessings for YOU Blog where you will find links to information related to spiritual guidance, spiritual coaching and spirit in business.

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