Well Being and Your Authentic Voice

In Corrogue I feel wonderful.

As friends know I love singing. I am presently singing, "I've got a wonderful feeling everything's going my way." Actually this song sings me. If I were not writing I would be dancing and singing.

This is one of the great blessings of well being. It is the blessing of drinking from the well of being. In Ireland we love our wells. We are still deeply connected to the elemental relationship of water and wells. We intuitively know that wells and well being are connected. All over this enchanted land are thousands of wells that are still revered as places of healing.

These wells are still used. I see people on occasion, not far from this "place of the briars,"circumambulating the ancient well at Tuber. This is despite the fact that this well is empty. People come to this well to find well being for themselves and others. They often remain silent. It is a time of reflection and a time of humility. Often life seems out of control. Often their well of being has run dry.

Our being is our essence. It wishes to be the play of the world. It is a wonderful feeling. It is free flowing and Divine. You have to honour it. You have to return to the source. This is the source that is life and not simply "your life."

Being and well being is known in the silence of the heart. Much experience of non well being is emotionally and spiritually based. As Carl Jung the eminent Swiss psychologist remarked, "I have rarely met with a patient over the age of thirty five years whose problem is not one that is related to their spirituality."

Well being is a deep connection between our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies. We connect to these energies by listening. We connect by listening to that still inner voice of the heart. This is in order to hear the song you alone have come to sing. If you do not sing this song you will not feel at ease. You will enter dis-ease.

We are afraid of this inner voice. It may ask us to change. It might tell us things we know about ourselves that no one would ever want to know. It might remind us that once we had dreams. We might have dreamed of visiting other places, writing a book, learning to dance, take up a task that everyone else told us was irrational.

Your inner voice is irrational. It is the holy part of you. In that sense it is whole. The word "rational" comes from the word "ratio," meaning "part." Your inner voice is like the frog in the well. It sets on the edge of the well of being asking that it be taken home. It wants to be appreciated. It wants you to kiss it. When you appreciate it you transform it. It becomes the beauty it always was.

Authorise your own voice. Drink of the sound of your own song. You will raise your body's vibrational rate. You will become more refined and you will begin to feel fine. You will be singing "good vibrations." Maybe you to can go skipping down the lane singing "I've got a wonderful feeling everything's going my way." You get to play in the musical of your own life. You get to sing and dance the celebration you have come here to be.

Life is love. It is the ocean of love expressing moment to moment. This ocean of love is what we know as well being. Come to this well. Speak your truth and sing your song. Drink deeply of this well of love that is in essence who you are.

Blessings upon you and those you love and those you do not love.

Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means "Soul Friend." He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Irish Blessings, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Visitors to Irish Blessings Matter website and Tony's Blog get the opportunity to develop a purpose driven life through articles, newsletters and other programs. Get your free report called "7 ways to it's a wonderful life" at http://www.irishblessingsmatter.com or visit Tony's Blog at http://www.irishblessingsmatter.com for the best resources on spiritual growth, spiritual cinema, spiritual parenting, spiritual coaching and spirit in business.

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