What Is Wrong With Being Common?

The Emmaus Journal

What is Wrong With Being Common?

This questioning title has tenaciously lingered in my mind for the past few months. Precociously tethered within a shallow stigma and pushed to the cliff of distasteful obsolescence; it seemingly mustered one final effort within my mind to be heard. It's voice almost now a muted whisper bends my mind into a straining listening poise. I begin to sense a long lived pain and deepening sorrow for a passing away of what once use to be. Introspectively my heart receives a string of words that seem more like a benediction, causing a response of unknown sadness.

Oh so common, left have you your days, 'twas that which seemed so common now has passed away. Left behind so strangely alone, no one to notice, no one to mourn.

In today's Reality our lives seem to be harbored in a momentous effort to be everything but common. Consider and ponder with me a moment. Common is not what one avidly seeks nor is taught as being generally accepted. Common is widely looked upon as a social disorder in banality. So many clich?'s have been assimilated that we carry a pre-disposition against that which may even appear as common. Being associated with any form of commonness is to be ostracized in a world that is now held in a blazing stream of mass materialism and a propagation of success at all cost. Common is usually a kin to the poor and the ignorant. Common sets a indelible mark upon a human being like a tattoo of distain. After all, we must strive to raise above the common. We must free ourselves from the benign background of the common. We must scale an upward ladder out of our common linage to leave our mark upon this world. We must not succumb to the common, nor allow it to entrench us in its ordinary paths. We must, we must ...

Oh so common, 'twere a Friend before your time, wistful acceptance yet wanly pushed aside. A paling glance now too faded away, falling on beyond such bounds till forever never stays.

Unfortunately, an out of touch hybrid Reality is trying to replace all forms of commonality. Producing in its stead an homogenized social class system hidden behind layered masks of separation, quite unlike any other. Promoted by a sense of intense dissatisfaction and an inner emptiness that cannot be filled; it has usurped the motto that "More means best; and to be the best, you have to have more". More of what you might ask? Simply, more than the common! No longer is it adequate or savvy to be a 'Butcher, Baker, a Candle Stick Maker'. You must be the only 'Butcher', the only 'Baker', the only 'Candle Stick Maker'. You must outwit, outsmart, out do, out shine, out class. You must, you must ...

Oh so common, I wish I would have known, for verily you displeased the pride that lingers in perceptions wise So even now to find the common thread in me I have to ask, since I cannot see.

Seemingly forgotten is the very realistic fact that when all is said and done, we all are very common. Take away the superficialities and veneers of traditions, heritage, education, careers, finances, talents, social status, beliefs and mores. Take it all away and what is left is just a Human Being. Plain and simple. A Human Being, male, female, young, old. But all in all, just another Human Being. Friend, that's you, that's me! It leaves us, without any schism or reveling. It leaves us, without having to prove anything to each other. It leaves us. You. Me. Perhaps, we can talk? Do you think we could actually communicate? Do you think we could truthfully relate and have a conversation? I dare say, a whole lot more than before. I dare say yes, we could.

Think about this and consider such wonderful options. Is this what being common is? Have I heard it's plea? Have I finally considered it's truth in my own life? Could it be so simple? What is wrong with being common? Nothing! Simply nothing. I believe I will accept it myself. Because I almost missed it. Yes, even in my own life. Yes, it almost was ready to leave me. Oh, I'm so glad I listened one more time. I am common, and I do see what it means now. It is all in the mind's eye of perception and understanding. It is all in how I see another Human Being. It is my outlook upon the Human Being right beside me and how I perceive myself and them. Together or separate. The human bonds of commonness that intwine each soul. Each of us a common Human Being upon this Earth. No more, no less.

tgy ? C.L. Mareydt d23

Brief Author Bio:

Liberated and Inspired thru The Holy Spirit, C.L. Mareydt writes to Purposely Share from the Spirit to the to the Spirit. Motivated and Parallel with a Divine Vision, each Writing is Thoughtfully Expressed to Progressively Inspire, Encourage, and Propel Inner Growth toward Personal Enlightenment.

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