Whatd We Miss?

Did we just overlook the amount of love that God has for us?

His word, shown in the written form we call the Bible, tells us things that He did to show us that He loves us. Did we realize it or did we overlook it and walk away?

In Hebrews 11:1 we are told that our faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

Hope moves into faith
Think about it. No one gets a recipe made without knowing what the ingredients are and what to do with them even when they're sitting on the counter!

The something that's wanted could be just as simple as having pasta...

You put water in a pan. You put it on a heated burner on a stovetop. Then you wait for the water to boil.

After the water comes to a hard boil you pour in the noodles and wait for the pasta to be cooked. Finally, you put sauce on the pasta and eat it!

Normally, it isn't until that time that the attitude changes. You had a want. A hope. But that turned into the knowledge that want you wanted is happening shortly.

The attitude becomes excited and expectant of the things we had faith for coming to pass.

Just like the pasta wait, we learn in Hebrews 11:1 that what we want is already there. It just takes time for us to get it!


Because we need to change our thinking. (That's why God said to renew our minds with His word in Romans 12:2.)

What God says is totally, pure truth. We just need to really know it!

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

These things that are hoped for are real but they aren't seen yet with the physical eyes! Don't forget there are the physical and the spiritual realms. Just because you can't see it in the physical realm doesn't mean it's not real in the spiritual realm!

Back to the pasta!
Our physical eyes saw the pasta. It was cooked for our physical bodies. But we can learn a thing or two here...

We want stuff in the physical realm! First off we have to really know that it's real in the spiritual realm.

We want good stuff in the physical realm!

It's very unfortunate that so many people have let go of their hopes and believed that they have to wait until they go to heaven to get the blessings of God personally.

The Wait
As the recipe for pasta takes time, so do our attitude changes...

First of all, we have to really know that what we've wanted is real in the spiritual realm. (the noodles are in the boiling water!) God gave us many gifts for the physical realm!

The very word 'saved' in the Greek means "delivered, protected, preserved, healed, and made whole in Romans 10:9, 10!

While renewing your mind in God's word, take notice that these verses are how we have eternal life with Jesus!

I know that it can be difficult to give up some religious teachings -but we have to if they disagree with God! Don't keep anything if it goes against God!

The noodles in pan are cooking...

It started with just wanting something to happen... After time is spent renewing your mind your attitude changes. You will find that you are sure that what you've waited for is there and real. You are excited and expectant. You're more and more fully persuaded...

It is at this point that you can reach and take hold of the blessings that God has made available to you!

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Michelle Jacobson

Michelle Jacobson is the author and webmaster at SeedMinistries.com where you can get BibleLearningPlus+ word search puzzle ebooks- A fun and easy way to really learn the word of God!

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