Buying Used Detailing Equipment and Rainy Day Services

Mobile auto detailing equipment becomes very inexpensive around March each year. If you look on eBay or your local classified section of the newspaper you will see. This is because mobile auto detailers are in a seasonal business. They find themselves scraping bottom when it is too cold to work because the water is freezing or it is raining and it becomes hard to sell detailing services. No one wants to see their business cards when it's raining. The only people who page them are their girlfriends who they can no longer take out for dinner or a movie. They can't use their car phone because it's been turned off by Verizon or Sprint. In a rainy year their cash reserve, if they had one, has been used up by mid January. They are eating Top Ramen by February. Their business no longer supports their needs. So they quit. Too bad for them; they obviously are not winners because: "Winner's Never Quit and Quitters Never Win!"

You will see lots of used equipment on the market in February and March. April and May many will try and start up again. They are undercapitalized. No money for marketing, no self-worth (deflated ego), no support system. Obviously, this means no success. But if you wish to add onto your equipment or start an auto detailing business you can really build fast around all the weakened competition. You can also buy equipment for $ .20 on the dollar, not a bad start indeed.

If you start your business first week in April, you can initiate rainy day services marketing and coupon discounts to build your customer base. If you have a hot water pressure washer then you can set up a night crew, which can clean concrete and heavy equipment at an average of $400-500 per night. Rent-A-Car companies clean their cars rain or shine. Federal Express vans are cleaned nightly no matter what. Post Office jeeps normally are cleaned on Sundays on a calendar schedule. We have reasons for cleaning these types of vehicles and it does not matter if it is raining or not.

Sometimes in business the weather can work in your favor, complaining about it will not help so use it to your advantage and win. Think about it.

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