Destressing Your Life!

Do you have stress in your life?......

I know you answered yes, we all have stress in our lives.

What is stress? It is a reaction to a physical, mental, or emotional stimulus that upsets the body's natural balance. Stress is unavoidable, it can be positive or negative, it can be physical or psychological.

Stress can cause fatigue, chronic head aches, irritability, changes in appetite, memory loss, low self esteem, withdrawal, tooth-grinding, cold hands, high blood pressure, shallow breathing, nervous twitches, lowered sex drive, insomnia, gastro-intestinal disorders and many more lifestyle diseases.

It is estimated that stress contributes to as much as 80% of all major illnesses.

Do you know that in order to have a vibrant healthy body you need to de-stress your life!

Some of the following are suggestions that have worked for many people.

  • Identify the stresses

  • Take a five minute break; sit back and take 100 slow deep breaths

  • Keep a gratitude journal, count your blessings (accent the positive)

  • Start an exercise program

  • Turn off the T.V. and play soothing music

  • Give yourself a day off, on that day pamper yourself ,sleep in, turn off the phones, watch a good movie, connect with a friend, give yourself a face message, have a relaxing bath, buy yourself flowers, go for a walk.

  • Give yourself permission to worry, but only once a day for 30 minutes

  • Eat a healthy diet, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, eat 8 to 10 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day, avoid artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, fried food, junk food and sugar.

  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco and mood altering drugs

  • Get 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night

  • Listen to your inner voice. Is it talking negative?

  • Avoid or eliminate as many hassles from your life as possible

  • Learn to laugh

  • Live in the present, enjoy each day

  • Research the herb "Valerian". This herb is used to sooth, relax and heal the nerves. You might find this helpful while you make changes in your life style.

  • Seek professional help if these changes haven't improved your life

If you are looking for more information visit

This web site is hosted by Dr. Hans Selye the author of the book "Stress Remedies For Living In A Fogged Up World"

The web site is a wealth of information outlining effective methods of dealing with physical, emotional, and situational disorders produced by stress.

I know you have probably heard this before, but you can make small changes in your life. Some of the changes I listed on de-stressing your life will make a huge difference in your physical and emotional health.

Only you can change your life style, cut the stress in your life and have a vibrant healthy body.

? Jane Kriese

Would you like to have a Healthy Vibrant Body? To learn more, sign up for Jane Kriese's Herbs For Health Newsletter at

About The Author

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