Emotional Freedom - At YOUR Fingertips!

What would you say if I told you I know of a simple method that can make emotional stress such as upset, anger, fear, concern and distress simply melt away in a few minutes and all you had to do to achieve this is simply touch a few "magical points" on your face and hands?

Yes, it's true, it can be done, and you can learn to do how in a few minutes, for free, if you're interested.

I am delighted to introduce to the most important innovation in self help and psychology this millenium has seen so far - Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT for short.

Based on the well known and highly effective Chinese system of body meridians, EFT doesn't use needles but instead, soothes and stimulates the energy flow by lightly and gently tapping on main meridian connector points.

EFT is so simple that even a young child can learn to do it in minutes.

EFT is so profoundly relaxing and mood changing that even therapists many years experience simply have to shake their heads and declare they have never seen anything like it.

So Simple, So Easy ...

Like many profoundly useful things in this world, EFT is extremely simple. A straightforward easy to use protocol designed by Stanford Engineer Gary Craig to cover all of the most important meridian points in a single treatment lasting about five minutes ensures that users need know nothing at all about meridians or the finer points of Chinese medicine to experience profound relief right away.

What s more, the basic Emotional Freedom Techniques protocol is absolutely free and freely available to try out and for you to share with friends, loved ones and anyone else you wish to share it with.

The Benefits Of Acupuncture, Acupressure & Massage

Everyone who has experienced the calm and restful state that follows a good massage, or has been treated with acupuncture for example, knows that working directly with the meridian system really produces profound changes in how we feel inside.

The great advance of the new meridian therapies, of which EFT is the embassador, is to focus the mind on a particular disturbance whilst stimulating the energy system at the same time. By thinking about your problem, you automatically target the right parts of your meridian system and without years of study, that s something anyone can do.

Perfect For Emotional Crisis Management

And what could be more appropriate than having something that can help you right in a middle of crisis? That is the time when your mind is absolutely focussed on the problem; in many cases such as physical pain or severe upset, it is the only thing we can think about. Whilst we are in the crisis we are in the perfect place to use EFT to target the root causes of the problem and help alleviate the symptoms and disturbances swiftly.

No Will Power Required!

Now here is one of the most fantastic news about EFT.

EFT *melts away distress* of all kinds - and it is distress we try to get away from with anger outbursts, over-eating, with substance and activity addictions, with procrastination, with depression, with sickness and with headaches.

When the distress is gone, you are free to CHOOSE YOUR OWN DESTINY, and there is no more will power required.

A Miracle Technique - And It Is FREE!

EFT has certainly been described in terms of being miraculous, and not just once but a hundred thousand times or more, by very different people with very different problems, by professionals and simple folk alike, all around the World.

EFT works first time for about 85% of the population, but even if it just manages to noticeably reduce feelings of anxiety, fear, anger for you personally, that could be a starting point to a whole new level of happiness and health.

You can try a short version right now - the Two Minute Stress Release Technique. You are very welcome to share it too with your friends and family. You can find this and a totally free complete EFT protocol as well in the "Free & Premium" section at http://starfields.org .

I encourage you to simply try it for yourself.

I have been around the houses with personal development and healing. Hypnosis, NLP, Reiki, Meditation, Personal Development, Psychology - for 25 years I have been researching techniques for change and I have NEVER come across anything as profoundly useful and as userfriendly as EFT has turned out to be.

It has helped me personally immensely, it has helped not only my clients but my friends and my children too.

I cannot rate EFT highly enough. I cannot recommend it strongly enough.

So go and try it now. It's free, it's simple.

You have absolutely nothing to lose, but you could gain the very real possibility of absolute Emotional Freedom At Your Fingertips.

About The Author

Silvia Hartmann PhD

Director, The Association For Meridian Energy Therapies


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