Is Worry Necessary?

Who hasn't experienced "worry" at one time or another? Almost everyone I'm sure. As a result many if not all consider this to be not only a normal human "emotion" but also a necessary fact of life. I would like to show here that in fact "worry" is completely unnecessary.

I begin with the following question. Why do we choose to entertain the state of worry in our minds/bodies?

Well most think that:

1. Worry keeps us alert and in a state of preparedness, thereby,

2. It makes us more able to handle untoward events or situations that may come our way, thereby,

3. It helps protect us from such events, thereby,

4. It keeps us feeling safe, secure, calm and at peace.

In summary then from the above we can say that:

(A): Worry makes us feel safe, secure, calm and at peace.

Now does statement (A) above resonate with you as the truth? (Yes or No)

If you're not sure I ask you to do the following. Think of something that you worry about. As you are thinking about this allow the feelings of worry to emerge so that you can reacquaint yourself with how it feels to be in the "worried state". Now notice how the worry makes you feel.

I think that most will notice perhaps feelings of uneasiness, tension, anxiety, a sense of dread, feelings of insecurity, feelings of uncertainty, a sense of distractedness, a feeling of heaviness, and perhaps a host of negative thoughts running through your mind.

So what you have just deliniated for yourself is the experience of "worry" itself.

So, now in this experience do you recognize any feelings of security, safety, calmness or inner peace?

If you are honest with yourself I think you will see that none of these feelings exist in that experience of worry, correct?

So that makes statement (A) above false doesn't it?

At this point you may feel that something strange is going on here. You might ask yourself "Is he trying to trick me or something?".

Well no I'm not trying to trick you. In fact I'm just trying to show you how you've been tricking yourself into believing that a falsehood was in fact a truth. The falsehood being statement (A).

You may wish to answer the following questions for yourself at this point in order to experience an remarkable transformation for yourself:

1. Do you recognize that you have been harboring statement (A) inside you as if it were the truth? (Yes or No)

2. Do you want to go on harboring this false statement inside of you? (Yes or No)

3. Is the experience of "worry" toxic to you? (Yes or No)

4. Do you want statement (A) living anywhere inside of you? (Yes or No)

5. Do you want the "worry" living inside of you? (Yes or No)

6. If you answered No to question 2, what is the consequence to you of going on harboring statement (A) inside of you (i.e. to go on believing that it is true)?

Now if you've followed me so far you are likely having one of two experiences.

For one you may be feeling a sense of great relief, feeling lighter, feeling energized, feeling more at peace, calmer, a greater sense of security and more optmiistic.

Or, you may be feeling confused and frustrated with the entire exercise.

If you are feeling the former I congratulate you on your courage to take this monumental step forward in your life.

If you are feeling the latter, you are likely still reluctant to let the worry go because you believe at some deeper level that it still is useful to you.

In which ever case if at any time you would like to move further forward in your life kindly contact me at the web links below.

Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called "Spirituality And Science" (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Energy Medicine Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being.

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