Manage Stress By Focusing On Solutions And By Having A Laugh

Marshal John Kruger acted by Arnold Schwarzenegger (who else) in the film "Eraser" protects a female employee in the defence industry who has exposed corruption and treason to the FBI.

He rebukes one of his colleagues who calls the people he protects 'scum'. His colleague is miffed: "Who does this guy think he is?"

John's 'friend' Marshal Deguerin acted by James Caan answers: "He thinks he is the best guy in the game. I think he is too. Try not to piss him off."

John Kruger never gives up. A huge nail goes through his hand and nails it to a table. He just pulls his hand free and keeps going.

One of my black belts dislocated his finger at his grading. I straightened it out for him and he kept going without batting an eyelid.

There are John Krugers in real life as well as in the films. At one point John jumps out of a jet plane in search of a parachute and catches up with it.

Later the parachute wraps around him. He unwraps it. This is what heroes and heroines in the films do. They keep going until they think of a solution. So do some people in real life.

At one point he kicks away a crocodile and then shoots him. He can even crack a crocodile joke under stress. "You're luggage!"

I was once chased by a bear cub when I was 8 years old. It was roughly the same size as me. Possibly he just wanted to play but I didn't feel like finding out. I couldn't think of anything funny to say at the time but I did get away!

We may not be John Krugers but at the very least we can keep trying and looking for solutions. We can also try to crack a few jokes along the way.

I remember my Granddad still cracking jokes in his old age. The tears ran down his face as he laughed at his own jokes. I thought they were pretty funny too. One of his favourites was to cut away a small piece of pie and put the rest of it on his own plate. He probably found the look of shock on everyone's face amusing.

Anyone who can face the problems of old age and still keep laughing is a hero in my view.

We need to keep laughing by cheerfully accepting challenges till the day we die. There is something about a good challenge that makes us laugh and there is no bigger challenge than the challenge of getting old.

Billy Connolly, the Scottish comedian who now lives in the USA, met an ageing funny man of 65 in California. The man gave him some advice about what to do when he reached 60.

Many men over 60 will find this advice both realistic and funny and one of the best ways to handle some of the disadvantages of getting old. I have edited his words slightly to avoid giving offence to some.

"There was a guy in a cigar store in Los Angeles - this big guy who is older than me by five years."

He said: "Oh you're sixty. I'll give you some advice on turning sixty. Three things you must always remember."

I said "Right"

"Never turn down a chance to have a pee"


"Never trust a fart."

"Make the most of any signs of sexual life before they


There are some medical experts who reckon they can solve these three problems. But if they can't or you can't afford them, you might as well have a laugh like the man in the cigar store.

About the author

John Watson is an award winning teacher and martial arts instructor. He has recently written two books about achieving your goals and dreams. They can both be found on his website along with a daily motivational message.

The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now! - Acronyms, Stories, And Pictures?Easy To Remember And Use Everyday To Grab Your Life And Soar With The Eagles"

The book can be found at this URL

The book uses acronyms, stories and pictures to help readers remember 36 laws that can gradually transform your life if you apply them.

You are welcome to publish the article above in your ezine or on your website so long as you do not alter it and keep in the words about the author and the 36 Laws.

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