Stress is a Killer?Will it get YOU?

What good is Personal or Business Success...if your Health is in the pits ? Here*s a New and Original Stress Antidote...that really works...and works every time.

Stress will Kill your good health !

I have read a number of times that the medical profession does not know why a preponderance of heart attacks occur on Monday morning throughout the world. I believe I have found an answer to this riddle.

This Killer Monday Morning Syndrome comes about, I believe, because most people have Saturday and Sunday off from work. Because of this time off from work this gives them more additional time to think about things and therefore add more additional things to their to do list, and presto they wake up Monday morning full of stress and nervousness and don*t realize or know why. In short, the more things they add to their to do list, the more silent stress it puts on their physical and mental and nervous and emotional systems and bango, this build up of more stress can lead to internal nervousness, anxiety, dire shutdown of inner systems, sicknesses and yes, even death.

I*ve just stated the problem, but as we all know, the answer to any problem always lies within the problem, so by analyzing the problem and by observing thousands of people, and by observing the reactions to stress within my self, I*ve come up with and invented and copyrighted and patented an antidote, a stress antibiotic, if you will, on how to counteract this incapacitator and killer known as stress buildup.

First, to be a good antidote, it must work fast. Second, it must be easy to administer. Third, it must be painless and quick, sort of like a vaccine.

This very effective and newly invented and possible ultimate stress buster can be embodied in one word... And the word is...*Unclustering*

Let me explain, When you have too many things *to do*, on your written or mental to do list, you have formed an ever growing ball of clustered things to do and you have unknowingly overloaded your nervous system and your nervous system will silently try to juggle them all at once and try to get them all in a line to get them all done in an orderly fashion. The problem lies in the fact that if you cluster too many chores to do into your nervous system pipeline, your pipeline is not wide enough to allow this now clustered snowball to flow through your nervous system...and zappo your nervous system starts to short circuit and it will continue to fizzle and snap and crackle and pop until one or all of your body*s systems start to collapse and you become ill, or yes, even die.

So, the simple antidote that I have created is that every time you feel nervous or anxious or panicky or stressed, simply *uncluster* your mental or written to do list.

Do this unclustering by drawing a number of circles on a blank piece of 8 ? x 11 sheet of paper, then within each one of the circles write in only one of the many chores that are in your mind.

Be very careful that these circles DO NOT TOUCH EACH OTHER, because if they do Touch, you will then be clustering your chores and your goal is to uncluster all of the chores in your mind so that each one of them stands alone and will then be powerless to subdue your health and or kill you.

Place a title on the top of this page of paper that reads UNCLUSTER EMOTIONALLY.

So as you are filling in your circles, make sure you think hard and put down every single one of your thoughts that are personal, emotional, business oriented, past, present or future anxieties, or any thoughts that come to your head whatsoever, no matter how small or big you might think they are.

As soon as you know you have put down every single thought in your mind, sometimes this will take more that one page, [my personal record is 4 and ? pages of stress filled circles]... put this page or pages to the side of you...then turn these page[s] UPSIDE DOWN so you can not see what is on them...then CRUMPLE THESE PAGES UP AND THROW THEM AWAY into the trash can IMMEDIATELY...!

Once you have done this an astounding miraculous effect will occur within you, you will totally lose your nervousness and anxiety and stressed and fidgety feeling. Your systems will instantly become calm and you will have banished your stress totally.

It would be best to take a short break of quiet time or nap as soon as you crumple up these pages to firmly set this quiet and peaceful feeling you are now feeling.

Then you can go forward with your life and simply do one chore at a a non-stressed manner.

Do this procedure every time you feel stressed, nervous or overloaded. Especially do this every Sunday night or first thing Monday morning to avoid this potential Monday morning health debilitating problems Syndrome. this procedure if you feel you have only a few chores on your mind, because as you start doing this your chores and angers and fears and griefs and worries and etc. will start pouring out of you like water pouring out of a faucet.

The reason this procedure works so well is because each time you do will have transferred all of your CLUSTERED chores and hurts and angers and etc. that were acting like an ever growing snowball that was rampaging through your ANIMATED nervous an UNCLUSTERED non-snowball that is now powerless and is now not connected to you as a person, but all are now connected to an INANIMATE white sheet of paper.

The key transference dynamic is that your nervous system has now literally been freed and actually relieved of doing all of these chores so it now no longer has to juggle all of these chores to get them done.

In short, by using this *Circles on Paper* procedure, you have deprogrammed your nervous system so it now does not have to contend with or address these chores and angers and frustrations and etc. and can now bring itself back to normal.

In short, short, simply UNKNOWINGLY kept piling up and clustering this snowball of programmed instructions that simply could not fit into the narrow pipeline of your nervous system... so are simply KNOWINGLY, one chore at a time deprogramming yourself of this snowball cluster of instructions and taking them out and away from your internal animate nervous system by placing them into inanimate circles on a page of inanimate paper...and have instantly taken yourself out of the harms way of mega incapacitating stress. You are going to be amazed how this method really, really works like gangbusters every time.

Then my guest and use this simple stress busting method from now on... And ...Live healthy, live long, live well and most of happy.

Authored by - Dr. Rich Starr - PHD Psychology

Copyright - 2004 - Dr. Rich Starr - PHD Psychology

This article was excerpted and paraphrased, with permission, from Dr. Rich Starr's Remarkable *Like Never Before Info* Book entitled INSTANT SUCCESS HABITS...ISBN # 1-888221-88-7

About The Author

Dr. Rich Starr, PHD - Psychology ... has been writing... for the Personal MOTIVATIONAL & Business MARKETING industry for over 30 years. He has shown tens of thousands of individuals simple techniques to maximize their Human Potential and bring Massive Success and Prosperity into their everyday Personal lives and or Business lives.

To find out more... Please visit...

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