10 Compelling Reasons to Stop Singing the Blues

Are you:

- feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied with your life?

- ready to stop holding yourself back from success?

Is it time to:

- get rid of self-sabotaging thoughts that keep you down?

- say goodbye to the blues and take control of your life?

Then the following life-changing information is for you!

We're all born with the potential for living a fulfilled, happy and enjoyable life. Some of us achieve extraordinary success in business and in life, some of us watch others achieve it, and many wonder why they come up short.

If you're among those asking where is success for me? then please read on.

The following 10 principles for successful living are full of tips, tools and benefits that will ignite the fire within you to help you awaken to the fulfillment, happiness and joy in life you've been looking for.

Here are some compelling reasons to stop singing the blues:

1. Start thinking and dreaming big

When you think and dream big, you:

? stop singing the blues and begin to activate your power to dream big.

? can dust off the dreams you've had on the back burner and bring them into now.

? see so many possibilities and want to take action to achieve them now.

? look around at people who have achieved their dreams and believe if they can, you can too.

? stop worrying about if you can afford it, if you know how to get it, or about any obstacles that stand in your way.

? start using your creative genius to figure out how to get what you want.

? are full of intention to take opportunities that come along.

? surround yourself with like-minded people who are positive and encouraging, who are dream-makers not dream-breakers. The more you associate with supportive people who love and accept you just the way you are, the more success you'll attract in your life.

? recognize that you are who you spend time with.

2. Believe in yourself

When you truly believe in yourself, you:

? become your greatest fan, you'll grow stronger and your life will transform beyond your wildest dreams.

? will become a new person.

? will be so strong that you'll know, without a doubt, that you can have what you want, that you deserve it, and that you're worthy of it. You will let go of limiting beliefs and start believing that "whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve."

? will start using your marvelous ability to reprogram yourself to have beliefs that are congruent with what you want and who you want to be.

? will be encouraged to take chances, to push yourself further than you ever thought possible.

? gain improved confidence that will lead to better performance at work, a better circle of friends, and better quality of life in all areas.

This improved self-confidence will help you deal with all of life's challenges with a positive outlook.

3. Remove fear roadblocks

When you finally let go of success-stopping fear, you:

? will finally remove the shackles of fear, you'll hit the high notes of life expressed in Johnny Nash's song "I Can See Clearly Now." As you begin to see the world as "a bright sun-shiny day," you'll end your long history of self-sabotage to live the life you so richly deserve. You will realize that fear is only false evidence appearing real.

? will outtalk the negative chatterbox in your brain. As you face whatever you fear and push through it, you will understand how to focus on correcting fear-based, thoughts quickly and easily.

? won't wait for the fear to go away before you take action. You will decide to take action in spite of your fears. Miraculous things happen to those who consciously choose to overcome their fears. As you move forward, your incredible inner strengths will emerge.

? gain confidence in your skills, abilities and even your downfalls. As you move from victim to creator, you'll learn more about yourself, your wants, needs and desires. This will open new doors of opportunity and you'll truly be on the road to creating the life you want.

4. Bounce back from obstacles

When you face obstacles head-on, you:

? meet everyday challenges with confidence. We all face problems, but some of us get stuck while others move on. Turning setbacks into comebacks will guarantee success.

? won't give up, you face the future with optimism and courage despite events.

? will be able to self-reflect and gain wisdom from your experiences.

? will be able to face reality, labeling your setbacks, losses and disappointments for what they are.

? will find meaning and purpose in your struggles and think creatively under stress.

? will expand rather than shut down when faced with challenges, and most importantly you will achieve the personal and professional success you deserve while continually discovering your greatness.

5. Develop persistence

My favorite quote by Calvin Coolidge goes like this: "Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Education alone will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

When you cultivate the habit of being persistent, you:

? stop singing the blues and you make a conscious decision to train yourself to be persistent.

? realize that persistence must become a way of life if you want to succeed.

This speech given by Winston Churchill is still applicable today. "Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense."

What separates a person's successes from failures is the ability to carry on when things go wrong. All successful people have persistence in common. When others give up, they don't. Top sportsmen and musicians practice their skills for hours and hours at a time. They never rest on their laurels. They are always trying to get a little bit closer to perfection. When you stop singing the blues, you realize that without absolute determination and perseverance, your chances of success are drastically reduced.

6. Cultivate your strengths

When you work to develop your inner strengths, you:

? polish your diamond and stop singing the blues

? will become more confident, optimistic and focused. The more developed your strengths, the more likely you are to aspire to higher goals and achieve a life of great satisfaction and joy.

My favorite analogy is one used by Edward Anderson and Donald O. Clifton. In their book, Soar With Your Strengths, they say: "Talents are like diamonds in the rough and strengths are diamonds that show brilliance after they have been carefully cut and polished. Just as finished diamonds start as diamonds in the rough, strengths start as talents. And just as rough diamonds are naturally found in the earth, talents are naturally found within you. But while diamonds are refined with blades and polishing wheels, strengths are produced when talents are refined with knowledge and skills."

7. Let go of the past

The benefits of letting go of the past are enormous. Psychological research is finding that being a forgiving person is essential to happiness. Even when someone wrongs you, feeling anger or hatred only causes your life to descend into misery and resentment. You are the one who suffers, not the person with whom you're angry. Forgiving, on the other hand, can lift the burden.

When Buddha and Jesus and other great spiritual figures taught us to forgive those who sin against us, they weren't just pronouncing holy philosophy, rather, they were giving practical down-to-earth life advice.

There is no question that you will be more satisfied with your life and will be less likely to experience symptoms of psychological distress, such as nervousness, restlessness and sadness if you let go of past traumas and disappointments. Researchers now believe that letting go of grudges may fortify the heart and the immune system. "When you're stuck in a grudge, you're isolated in your own suffering," says Fred Luskin, Ph.D., author of Forgive for Good and director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project. "The long-term damage to the cardiovascular system from bitterness and resentment is clearly established."

8. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough." ~ Meiser Echart

When you express gratitude and appreciation for everything in your life, you:

? give yourself a great and wonderful gift. Being grateful lifts your spirit, it helps you to renew, reflect and reconnect with yourself. You'll notice you start appreciating ordinary things and realize that every day is a gift. An attitude of gratitude will hold you together even when you are in the midst of struggles and hardships.

? maintain that sense of thankfulness for life, for the chance to experience each day's sunrise. This will keep you in positive thinking mode.

? have greater confidence and higher self-esteem. .

? will be richer and happier and you will appreciate all the abundant gifts you have.

9. Contribute to society and make a difference As you continue creating a positive outlook on life, you will realize the importance of making a difference by giving back to your community. Giving back in terms of donations, volunteering, contributing, mentoring or just listening to a friend will make a huge difference in your life. The benefits of giving back to society cannot be measured. When you give back by serving others you will feel a rewarding sense of fulfillment in return. The satisfaction you get from helping others will enhance your mental attitude and you will enjoy greater prosperity.

10. Take great care of yourself'

You are the greatest miracle and the most unique individual ever created. When you take care of yourself, you:

? stop singing the blues and appreciate this beautiful gift you have been given.

? will take your life and yourself more seriously. The more focus you place on you, the more joy you will feel.

? will feel fully alive, vibrant and rich.

? will feel in control, confident, and connected to your life's purpose.

? will truly put your own needs first, you will build a reserve of energy and a safeguard against burnout.

? will become more productive and energized.

? will develop a habit of daily renewal. The feeling of being of purpose will inspire you to new heights - some you never dreamed possible.

? will always be focused on your well-being, on what's most important to you. You will spend your day doing what matters most.

When you stop singing the blues, you will truly know what it is to love yourself, the greatest gift of all...when you love yourself you are honoring the very nature of the human heart -- your source of life.

Dr. Cynthia Barnett is the author of Stop Singing the Blues. In this book, you will find powerful strategies for hitting the high notes in your life. The book is filled with heartfelt stories of people who refused to let life get them down. You'll see how they use their innate powers to conquer adversity and achieve what they want. Today they live their lives with joy and passion -- as you can.

Dr. Barnett can be reached at her toll free number 1-877-404-4446 or http://www.stopsingingtheblues.com/

Dr. Cynthia Barnett is the author of Stop Singing the Blues. In this book, you will find powerful strategies for hitting the high notes in your life.

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