3 Power Tips To Increase Financial Success FA$T!

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be blessed with miraculous success while others are not?

Successful people don't achieve their success by accident. It takes much more than skills and talents to attain great success in life. Even the most talented people can fail. It's the ones who recognize their power and use it to their advantage that achieve the success they desire!

Jim Carey deliberately used his power to strategically produce success at a time when things were challenging in his life. In 1987, he was married with a new baby, living in a single apartment in Los Angeles, and working in comedy clubs at night. Afterwards, he would drive to the top of Mulholland Drive and look out over the city where he affirmed that he was the most sought after comedian in the business. He experienced what it was like to be that successful and didn't come down from the mountain until he felt like he was. He also wrote himself a check for $10 million dollars for acting services rendered. A path opened up that eventually led him to that success. On the day that his check was dated, Jim Carrey was worth 10 million dollars. He later became one of the world's highest paid actors and able to command $20 million a movie.

You, too, have the power to achieve tremendous success. It just takes understanding your power and then setting your desires into motion!

Skyrocket your business to success by using just a few simple techniques!


Your words are powerful! The words that you speak and the thoughts that you think attract to you the exact conditions that you focus upon the most consistently. If you want to be successful, your words and your thoughts need to consistently confirm your success!

* Affirm: "Enormous quantities of money are being drawn to me from everywhere and I see myself becoming financially independent immediately!"


Take advantage of the Power of your word!

Everyday write down:

* "I see my business skyrocketing and becoming an immediate financial success! I consistently net over $ easily and effortlessly every single month!"


* "I see all of my investments doubling and tripling consistently, which make me a multi-millionaire immediately!"


Take a moment each day and experience what it feels like to be the success you desire.

Example: While you are sitting at your desk, close your eyes and experience yourself sitting in a location that you would be in if your success were a reality now! Such as:

* Sitting at a desk in your new office: Feel how comfortable your new leather chair is and imagine yourself feeling how smooth the hardwood finish is on your desktop. It feels so wonderful being in your brand new office. It is so beautiful, and everything is so clean and organized. You hear your phones continually ringing with orders and a competent staff is taking all of the calls. Your business has become so successful that everyone is seeking you out and buying everything that you have for sale.

* Sitting on a chase lounge by your new swimming pool: Feel how relaxing it is to be lying out on a comfortable chase lounge next to your beautiful new pool. The air is clear and smells so good, and the heat from the sun feels so soothing on your body. You are so grateful that your business has become such a tremendous financial success that you can now take time off to consistently relax and play with your family!

* Being on your own yacht on the ocean: Feel how exhilarating it is to be cruising out on the turquoise ocean on your own magnificent yacht. You love the smell of the fresh ocean air and you can feel the sea breeze on your face. You are so grateful that money is just pouring into your life! Lucrative opportunities became available to you that enabled you to immediately become a huge financial success! Your business is now generating millions of dollars in passive income and you have lots of time to do what you love. You have fun traveling and relaxing...all year through!


* Being on stage being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey!: Her producers sought you out because your product has become one of her "Favorite Things"! You are now a world renown success and the revenues have not only afforded you a lavish lifestyle, your contributions to charities have empowered everyone throughout the world.

Use your imagination! Whatever you impress your subconscious with consistently, will soon be reproduced in your life.

? 2005 Carole Dore, PowerVision Dynamics, CreateMoneyFAST.com

NOTE: Some excerpts within the above article are taken from "The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST!"


Visualization expert, Carole Dor? is an international speaker, popular radio and television talk show guest, and is the author of The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST! She is widely recognized as a leading authority of Visualization and is the founder of PowerVision Dynamics.

In 1986, she produced PowerVision Dynamics?, a complete instructional program that teaches how to achieve your desires quickly by using PowerVision?: an accelerated, spontaneous form of visualization that is applied through the heart, rather than the mind.

For info about her book and step-by-step audio program, and to obtain 3 more FREE Power Tips to Increase Financial Success FA$T, go to http://www.createmoneyfast.com

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