How To Use The Past, Future, And Present In Attaining Success

Did you know that your past, present, and future can affect
directly or indirectly your outlook in life?


Have you ever done something that is so regrettable you couldn't
forgive yourself? Have you ever made a mistake that up to the
present time you're still blaming yourself? Are you still torturing
yourself with the thought that only if you could've done it
differently, you're living a much better life right now?

Good news for you! You don't have to keep this burden in your heart
for as long as you live. Release it. Set yourself free.

If you keep bad memories, you're depriving yourself of good mental
and emotional health. You're making yourself a prisoner of the past.
This will adversely affect your capacity to act at the present moment.
You will not be able to think clearly and you will lose your focus
if you are still lingering in the shadows of your dark past.

No matter what you do, you couldn't reverse or otherwise change
history. So let bygones be bygones. Why worry about something you
have no control of?

Let go of the past, but keep the LESSONS. Whatever lesson you've
learned will be of utmost importance to the fulfillment of your goals
in the future. These lessons are your mentors that may sometimes
teach you the hard way; but nevertheless, success comes to those
who are willing to take the risk and pay the price for their actions.

And what about the successes you had in the past? How did you feel
when you've accomplished something exceptional? It feels great isn't

Well then , use these past experiences in your present endeavors
to encourage you and to motivate you. These memorable experiences
will bring a positive aura of enthusiasm and will remind you that
you have the power to achieve anything with the right attitude.

Recall these affirmative memories in everything that you do and you
will see amazing results in all your undertakings.


Now how can the future influence your success if it hasn't occurred yet?
The answer is simple.

Your burning passion to attain your ideal life in the future will become
the motivating factor that will prod and push you to take the essential
steps at the present moment.

Conceive your future in the most vivid and comprehensive way possible.
For instance, if you want to get rich, then take into consideration:
1) How much money you desire to make, when you intend to get them,
and your action plan to have that exact amount by your target date;
2) The vision of your lifestyle when you've attained the money; like the
people you are in contact with, the activities you are engaging in, the
food you are eating, the places you are visiting...Well, you get the

These are the guiding forces that will chart the right path to your
intended destination. If you envision yourself as having attained them
and focus all your efforts regardless of the impending obstacles ahead,
then your inner power will release the right kind of energy that will
enable you to do nearly anything in pursuit of your desired end.


The present moment is the time to ACT. Ready or not, you must do some
action now! Mistakes will be made, but you could always revise them.

Put procrastination aside. One delay or excuse will generate a chain
reaction of more postponements and alibis that will never end. Before
you knew it, open opportunities have already passed you by.

Never let fear get on your way. Some people are struck by the threats
of failures, setbacks, or criticisms. What they don't realize is that
majority of successful people had to pass through "the eye of the needle"
in order to get where they are now.

Act intelligently. Use your past mistakes as guides to avoid future
blunders. Let the vision of your ideal life in the future compel you to
carry out your plans and catapult you to reach your deepest desires.

Michael Lee is the author of "How To Be A Red Hot Persuasion
Wizard," an ebook designed to fully improve your relationships,
multiply your profits, win negotiations, and help you attain all
the desired freedom and power you could ever dream of. Go to now and grab a sample chapter.

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