Is Success About Money?

Success could be just about making money, but I think it is much wider and simpler than that.

? Success is doing what you intended to do whether it is a small or big thing.

? Success is also about not doing what you planned not to do whether it is a small or big thing.

I had three small successes from Wednesday to Friday this week by simply carrying out my "clear the clutter' plan. This plan is to move 5 books or other objects out of my room every day for a week or so and then to check the results.

Today, I moved a few books and other things into another room. My book on javascript then emerged from behind a pile of videos and I even began tidying the other room finding some useful info in the process.

One key benefit of clearing clutter or at least moving it further away from you is discovering treasures you bought and never used.

I have dozens of books and internet courses that I have never read because I have always jumped on the next panacea of all evils that is being promoted. I am also a sucker for a good sales pitch.

I need to stop buying stuff; tidy up and find out what I've already got and start using it! That too would be a success in itself.

Having succeeded in clearing clutter in a small way, I moved on to bigger things by clearing the attic with the aid of a trusty assistant.

Stuff that had been there for years was moved out. I did nearly go through the roof twice and then slipped on the ladder almost breaking my leg as I descended from the attic but a big and highly encouraging success had been achieved!

I now feel that I can achieve any small goal.

Success, then, is doing what you said you would do or planned to do even if you receive no money for doing it and even if you think it is a complete waste of time.

If you do what you intended to do in small things you will start doing what you intended to do in big things and will become the kind of person who can fulfil their dreams.

You will also become the kind of person who can make money if they want to.

Not doing what you planned not to do is equally important.

If you regularly eat that fast food that you planned not to eat, you may put on weight, become lethargic and depressed and fail to take the positive action that you planned to take.

If you take those shortcuts in your fitness training that you planned not to take you will only cheat yourself. You will not become as fit and strong as you could become. You can probably guess that I am speaking from experience!

Daily efforts to fulfil your to do plans and to keep your not to do plans will turn you and me into seriously powerful, disciplined people who can rely on themselves to achieve practically any goal they have decided upon.

John Watson is an award winning teacher and martial arts instructor. He has recently written two books about achieving your goals and dreams. They can both be found on his website along with a daily motivational message.

The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now!" The book can be found at this URL

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