Keys To Prosperity

Is it possible to get rich quick using the power of your mind? Sometimes, I think the only people getting rich are the authors of bestsellers with titles such as "Simply Abundant, Creating Prosperity and Miracle Power For Infinite Riches". However, we keep buying these books, because most of us have also experienced first-hand the consequences of a law of nature: do a good deed and it comes back to you. Do something mean and it comes right back at you to slap you in the face. Many of our minor wishes seem to come true -- "I'd like to have soup for dinner", or " Please let that cheque arrive in time to cover the rent." So why is it that when we try to mentally will more money into our lives, the kind of abundance that would have us set for life, that our mental powers seem to fail?

After perusing the pages of over twenty self-help bibles by such gurus as Paramanansa Yogananda, Deepak Chopra, Laura Day, Paul Pearson, Thomas Moore, Wayne Dwyer, Shakti Gawain, John Randolph Price, Karen Kingston, Sanaya Roman, Anne Marie Evers, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Victor Boc and Lynn Grabhorn, I came up with these basic keys to prosperity.

1. You have to get de-program yourself from believing that Money is The Root of All Evil. This negative image is so firmly planted in our subconscious, that we may even feel guilt if we do get a lot of money, and seek ways to dispose of it as fast as possible.

2. Love your bills. According to Sanaya Roman, author of "Creating Money" receiving a bill is evidence of the universe's faith in us to pay them. Authors such as Shakti Gawain and Wayne Dwyer even suggest kissing your bills. Putting them in a prominent place and practicing gratitude for receiving them, as they are evidence that abundance is freely circulating in our lives.

3. Apparently the Universe is not that fond of those of us who try too hard. Paul Pearson in his book "Wishing Well" talks about a kind of backlash that happens when we wish too long and too hard for something. He says that the universe picks up our desperate vibes and brings us even more desperation. So if you're thinking "I want more money" the universe will put you in situations that have you saying again and again "I want more money". When you think about money, you are never supposed to express the current lack of it or use phrases like "I need" or "I want". You're much better off saying something like "Millions of dollars are coming to me as I speak". Likewise, Lynn Grabhorn in "Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting" also advises you to try and resonate with positive vibrations by constantly being in a good mood and thinking only happy thoughts. Anne Marie Evers in "Affirmations" also constantly stresses the importance of thinking of yourself as being rich, even if you are as poor as church mouse.

4. Don't wish for specifics. You are supposed to have a faith in the universe, that it knows what's best for you. If you ask for something and don't get it, then the idea is that the universe or powers that be have something better in mind for you. When praying, meditating, wishing, or saying an affirmation for something you want, you are supposed to ask for generalities as in "I am healthy, wealthy, happy and wise." as opposed to "I am the owner of a shiny, new sports car."

5. Believe that the money reflects the presence, not the absence of spirituality in your life. If this is true, than Donald Trump must be a very holy, holy man.

Ultimately, the secret to creating prosperity is not mind over matter; it's spirit over matter. A happy, gentle, and loving spirit creates a happy, gentle and loving life. Following the principle of "like attracts like" or "anxiety only attracts more anxiety". According to Shakti Gawain, the most important thing you can do is make a contract with yourself, about what you are prepared to receive abundance for in life.

Thus the phrase "Do what you love and the money will come..."

Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here You can meet Samantha Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at

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