Reach Your Goals - Never Settle For What You Can Currently Imagine

Never settle for what you can currently imagine

You are a captive of your own imagination. In other words, your wildest dreams form the outer limit of what you believe to be achievable. However, there are many people who are living lives, doing things, and creating realities that are so far beyond what you could ever imagine that it will simply never occur to you to think about it - unless you consciously make the effort to suspend all disbelief in furtherance of your ideal life.

At one time, the running a 4-minute mile was thought by the top physical scientists of the day to be beyond the farthest bounds of what a human body could do - the physiology quite simply could not withstand the stresses needed to break this barrier. All their research supported these ideas and proved them to be true over and over again.

Too bad for them it wasn't true. When Roger Bannister beat the 4-minute mile in 1954, he was almost immediately followed by another, and then another and then hundreds of "anothers", all running miles in under 4 minutes, until the point was reached where a 4-minute mile was less a wild success and more of a minimal time to beat as a measure of competitive racing base talent. What happened? It's simple. Bannister went to the edge of everyone's wildest dreams about how fast a runner could go and he used that point as a starting block, rather than a finish line. And you can do the same.

What are your wildest dreams surrounding your goal? Consider relocating your starting point to that accomplishment as the least you are willing to accomplish, rather than setting it up as a destination you one day hope to claw and drag your poor, worn carcass up to. Dream big, then run your race from the finish line onward.

(c) Soni Pitts


Soni Pitts is the Chief Visionary Butt-Kicker of She specializes in helping others reclaim "soul proprietorship" in their lives and to begin living the life their Creator always intended for them.

She is the author of the free e-book "50 Ways To Reach Your Goals" and over 100 self-help and inspirational articles, as well as other products and resources designed to facilitate this process of personal growth and spiritual development.

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