Seven Steps for Success

"The secret of success is to make what you are doing interesting to other people." - Florence Scovel Shinn

When you set a goal, no matter how difficult it seems to accomplish, don't be afraid to take the risk. In life, some sacrifices are worth the challenge. So, stop making excuses. Life is too short to miss out on reaching for your goals and realizing dreams do come true. With a little effort and a little time on your part make a commitment to go for it!

If your goals and your dreams are good ones a plan is required to make them real. Develop a time plan or a target. For instance, when you know the end result you wish to accomplish, you might list several mini targets to work on first.

Your initial target plan might look like this:

If you wish to lose 20 pounds, set up a weekly schedule. The first week you might start a daily exercise program. Second week- start cutting back on sugar and sweets. Third week - try and lowering your daily intake of calories, and so on until your goal weight is achieved.

If you wish to take a trip to the south of France (or wherever), or if you desire to expand your business, the strategy would be similar. You may need to set up a weekly or monthly schedule to put a sum away toward the cost of the trip or the cost needed to purchase more space and more equipment for the business. You could cut back on your spending and put the savings aside, or take on an extra paying project until you reach your required goal. When you've accumulated sufficient funds for the trip or the down payment on the larger business space and more equipment, you can plan your next target.

So that you may have a richer, fuller, more rewarding life, putting a system together to target your success and make your dreams a reality may include the following seven steps:

? Set reasonable goals and target dates. Day to day living makes a lot of demands on you ? your time, your physical and emotional energy, and your responsibilities. Do not set yourself up for defeat. Master one goal at a time and do not expect instant gratification. With the onset of the microwave, and then along comes the computer and the internet both giving ways to shortcut everything you do, trying to stay focused isn't always easy.

? Be the master of your thoughts. Dream big. A small goal takes just as much time and effort as a giant one. Think your goal through and keep a record of your ideas and a time schedule of what needs to be done and when. Seek help where needed.

? Choose goals that you are passionate about. Motivation and inspiration are powerful forces that keep you moving toward your goals. Positive attitudes are also helpful. And of course, never forget your faith and the knowledge that a higher power is available to help you reach your goal. Remember: Nothing is easy, and everything takes time ? lots of it. So, be patient ?it eliminates the stress.

? Stay healthy and practice taking care of yourself - first. When you aren't feeling well, everyone around you is affected ?your family, your friends and associates, and your business clients. Try to stay flexible and allow enough time to work on any project so you won't have to rush. The old saying: "Haste makes waste," is often true and may even cause a serious accident. And if you are a sole proprietor, when illness or accidents happen, this could mean a devastating loss of business income.

? Don't be afraid to take risks. Fear is an internal blockage that you impose on your thoughts. It is a way of making excuses for not dealing directly with your anxiety. Or, you may not wish to face the outcome. What if it doesn't work out? Instead, replace your thoughts of fear with your own source of strength and let your inner support system guide you.

? Keep a list of your qualities and values. What do you consider to be your most valuable asset? Do you know which of your qualities you need to make stronger? Make a list of those qualities and values that you think are the best you, those that make you feel most secure, and give you your highest self-esteem. Some of these may include: self-confidence, a forgiving nature, courage, being a good listener, trustworthy and honest, and a willingness to inspire others.

? Keep your emotions under control. A peaceful attitude and an awareness of your surroundings go hand in hand with prosperity and success. When you are peaceful, your thoughts and actions come from a wide-awake place that is free of fear and confusion. You will see more clearly and act quickly. When you are at peace within yourself, you attract all that is good. You are more likely to bring success, happiness and prosperity to you. When you feel rich, you attract riches. And when you feel successful, you become successful.

Make it your goal to attract success and prosperity!

Copyright April, 2005

Gerri D Smith is publisher and host of multiple Gateways to inspiration, motivation, and support for individuals, women business owners, and entrepreneurs. Gerri's internet resource offers ways to unlock the doors to your personal and business empowerment. Now is a perfect time to own your own business and discover some of the best ways to market a product. One is by letting your customers see it before they buy it. This concept is a sharing of information and is made available by the Internet. Best of all it's delivered right to your email doorstep. Why not invest in your future, now. To help you reach more of your personal and business goals, subscribe to Gerri's Free bi-monthly inspirational newsletter.

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