Still Mourning That Business Failure!

No one wants to fail. But when in business you ought to make decisions. While they are aimed at bringing out success your decisions may also prove to be a failure. Yes! Failure is detrimental to the confidence. That is why everybody dreads it. But we need to face it instead of mourning.

It is quite natural to be disappointed when we fail. After all we are human beings and disappointment over our failures is a normal reaction. Everybody sulks. But the problem starts when you loose courage to act further after you fail.

When you start identifying yourself with your failure, you loose all the confidence in yourself and think that you are a looser. More you think so more you grieve. More you grieve more unconfident you feel. And the vicious cycle continues.

Stop this cycle before you get entrapped.

It is important to realize that a failure does not mean that you have failed. Your idea or decision might have let you down but that does not imply that you cannot succeed. If you have failed you need to be congratulated. You are much better than many others who dream but are not courageous enough to act. Moreover if you have failed you are wiser than when you started.

If you realize this you have overcome your disappointment and you have separated yourself from your failure.

Business is built on dreams. For dreams to realize action needs to be taken. Business does not follow a fixed protocol or pattern. Everybody has his own way of realizing his dreams. Everybody goes through different path to achieve the success.

Everybody has his share of unique failures depending upon his talents and goals. But everybody does fail before he succeeds.

Child must fall before he learns to walk upright.

Sparrow must fall before she learns to fly unhindered.

Failures are necessary for us to succeed.

If we observe and note this law governs everything in nature.

Failure precedes the success. Always!

Guide yourself towards success when you are struck by a failure. Study in detail the conditions that led to failure. There could be many a reasons-inadequate training, insufficient research, poor planning and many other similar reasons.

We often teach ourselves to learn from other people's mistakes. We can delve into countless number of books and stories and prepare ourselves mentally. These are important as to make a generalized perception. But our own failures are most important as they have been resulted directly by our action.

The lessons learnt from our own mistakes are deeply engraved in the mind unlike any other we teach ourselves with. This is what is called experience.

Failure is a compass that guides us towards making right decisions.

Edison failed thousand times before he brought out the light to the world. When enquired what kept him going he replied 'each time I failed I learnt how not to make a light bulb.

Amazing answer but it tells everything.

When you start learning from your mistakes you are on your path to success.

Wish you success.

Copyright ? 2005 Arun Pal Singh

Arun Pal Singh, a successful marketer and writer offers a unique and duplicable business opportunity at To avail his free Income Course e-mail to with subject 'subscribe'.

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