The Most Under Rated Method To Achieve Success!

The most under rated method to achieve success is: The power of Visualisation. The best kept secret of success on the sports field and in athletics is: The power of Visualisation. The situation where the mind is in charge of the body. Athletes and other sportspersons constantly use the power of thought to change their lives. To bring them success. When all else is equal the master card is: the power of your mind. Your mind is the most under rated method to achieve success.

It's a known fact that we subconsciously work towards that which we can visualise. The secret is; to ensure that the visualisation is good for you. What you visualise is what you want to achieve. As long as you hold a picture, a visualisation, in your mind you are naturally drawn towards it. Sports people are proving time and time again that the power of thought, the power of visualisation, can run your life. A fact that is dismissed by most of us on the planet. We are too busy doing. Too busy making the next buck rather than stopping and seeing if there is another method that can make life easier.

In other words, how you can change your behaviour from one that is always doing. Always searching for success. To one that by following a few simple rules can have success in the palm of your hand. To be successful you have to change the place from where you start..

As Dr. Wayne Dyer writes "all of our behaviour results from the thoughts that preceded the thing to work on is not your behaviour but the thing that caused your behaviour, your thoughts"

It's all about mind over matter. There is no doubt that thoughts are a non physical powerful energy that can influence other people and things. To get the most out of life you must give to yourself. If you are putting 90% of your attention and effort into other people and work and 10% into yourself. You are on the wrong track. You are going in the wrong direction. You need to concentrate more on the self. We know, you were brought up being told that that is selfish. You have to think of others. Put others first. But that just puts you back in the trap. You have to focus on yourself. Understand who you are and what your deep seated passion is. Understand why you are on this planet. What your core skills are. Then when you focus on yourself and your skills you achieve success, gain happiness and peace and become a much better person to live with. If your thoughts are not right then nothing will work. If you cannot visualise where you want to be then you have little chance of getting there. Remember your thoughts are powerful.

The most powerful instrument that you posses is the power of your thoughts. Thoughts are responsible for the world you live in. They mould and shape your attitudes. They are the creative force in your life. Every thing you do is preceded by a thought. The quality of your thoughts determine the quality of your life. Do you want to know how important your thoughts are? Arthur Preston Smith asserts in his PhD Dissertation ,submitted in 1998, that The power of thought can also assist in the healing of serious illnesses. He states in the conclusion of his dissertation that: 'this evidence strongly supports the proposition that thoughts, attitudes and beliefs can significantly affect health'.

Thoughts can and do affect the way you live. Thoughts can and do affect your health. Thoughts can and do affect your life style. Thoughts can and do affect your success rate. Thoughts can and do affect your level of happiness.

Dr. Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind also stated that: 'Hence, drugs and surgery can buy time for the patient to correct his thinking, even if they cannot cure or prevent disease in the end. The disease will likely recur in some form if the thinking does not change' (our emphasis)

Not only do your thoughts affect your health, the research is saying that visualisation can actually improve your health.

What more evidence do you need to accept that your thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts run your life. Sportspeople and academic researchers are proving that your thoughts are the key to a successful, healthy life.

In a nutshell; what you think is what you become. So, if for the past weeks, months or years you have been thinking negative thoughts. For example: you have been thinking that you are not good enough to do something. You have insufficient skills to do a particular job. You feel that you are not as good as another person. You believe that you are 'thick'. You believe that you are not as good as others. You believe that your time will come when your children have left home. You believe you will be able to do it when you have more money. You believe that fundamentally you are not made that way. You maintain that you are no suited to that particular way. Whatever negativity you have been thinking of.

These are not thoughts that breed success and happiness. These thoughts may well be with you as a result of the way you grew up and your education. They may be part of your being, but if you want a successful, happy life they are not going to help you.

The fact is, most people who aim to be successful go for it hook line and sinker. Then when they have achieved they will be able to buy all the things they want and then they will be happy.


To become successful and powerful you have to change the way you do things. To do more of what you have always done is not going to work, that is just going to give you the same results. You have to do something different. As Einstein said :

'one cannot solve a problem at the level of thinking that is creating the problem'.

Success comes from changing your thoughts. You just have to change your thoughts.

Often people try to live their lives backwards: They try to have more things in order to do more of what they want, so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do in order to have what you want. (Shakti Gawain, in Creative Visualization)

It's as easy as that. All you have to do: is change your thoughts, live life in the opposite direction to that which you currently live. Can you visualise that? That's the most under rated method to achieve success.

Good Luck

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