The Power Of Language: How To Language Your Future

Imagine living in the world that Helen Keller found herself in nineteen months after arriving on this planet. A world that was dark and silent as the result of a high fever that eliminated her ability to see and hear. In her autobiography, Helen wrote, "Then?came the illness which closed my eyes and ears and plunged me into the unconsciousness of a newborn baby." By the time Anne Sullivan came along to teach her, Helen's ability to communicate was confined to very basic gestures and sounds.

However, contrary to what circumstances would seem to dictate, Helen Keller went on to design a life of her own choosing, on levels that took her to positions of influence and prominence that are rarely reached. Have you ever wondered how someone born in the small and insignificant town of Tuscumbia, Alabama, without sight and hearing, learned how to consistently capture the minds and hearts of those she came into contact with?

Helen Keller left us some clues in her autobiography! She wrote, "Meanwhile the desire to express myself grew. The few signs I used became less and less adequate, and my failures to make myself understood were invariably followed by outbursts of passion. I felt as if invisible hands were holding me, and I made frantic efforts to free myself. I struggled-not that struggling helped matters, but the spirit of resistance was strong within me; I generally broke down in tears and physical exhaustion. After awhile the need of some means of communication became so urgent that these outbursts occurred daily, sometimes hourly."

The Right Teacher Makes The Difference. Period.

You can imagine, then, just how pivotal the arrival of Anne Sullivan was to Helen Keller's future. Anne Sullivan brilliantly transferred a power to Helen that Helen would then use to build an extraordinary life. And what was that power?" It was, in fact, the power of language?the power of language to bring about what we desire. Ann Sullivan realized that to transform Helen from a little girl full of stress and struggles into a fully functioning and powerful adult required her teaching Helen how to communicate in a way that would support her desired outcomes.

Despite the fact that Helen Keller, like all healthy human beings, was capable of learning anything she desired, her first required step was for her to learn how to communicate effectively with herself--and those around her. She had to learn how to use words, and more than just words, to bring her desired future into being. Helen's future depended upon her ability to tap into the power of language and communication. Now, as she learned to do just that, and developed mastery in her communications, she rose to positions of great influence, power and prominence?all the while savoring the moments and experiences of her life-a life that she literally languaged into existence.

And how did Helen come to have such a life? The answer to that partially lies in understanding that she had a profound desire to learn, and learn, and learn and learn. And that profound desire led to one thing, and then to another, and then to another, and then to another, all of which led up to a very remarkable life.

And what does all this have to do with you? With me? Everything?or nothing. It is our choice. We can open our eyes and ears to learn from Helen Keller, or not. She faced seemingly insurmountable circumstances, and she simply learned her way around all of them. And it all began with her learning the power of language--and how to use language to design and build her desired future, word by word. You and I can do the same.

Perhaps there have been some things in your life that have not been as enjoyable or as easy as you would like. Perhaps in the context of your relationships with your significant other, or your children or your friends. Or in the context of your health, your career, your dreams, your income, or your overall relationship with yourself.

Why Some Things Are Not Yet Easy And Enjoyable For You

If something has not been easy for you, it is simply an indication of something you do not yet know! Period. It is an indication that you have not yet learned how to do "X" easily and enjoyably. Nothing more. So, it is a matter of learning. And unlike Helen Keller, you probably enjoy the gift of being able to see and hear what is around you. So, you can learn all you want and do so quite rapidly and naturally. Believe it or not! Either way, you are using the inherent power of language, are you not? The power to move you in a certain direction.

The question is, in what direction do you want to move towards? Understanding that your ongoing communication with yourself and others, how you are languaging your desires, your hopes and dreams, will determine the direction and pace of your journey. What questions you ask-- and your responses to those questions-- give direction to your brain and your unconscious mind. If you ask yourself, "Why did I do that?" or "Why am I not further along in my life?" you will be off in a direction that will take you into more disappointment and frustration.

Instead, you might ask yourself, "How can I get a step closer to my outcome?" or "What might make it easier and more enjoyable for me to become increasingly healthy and fit?" "How can I connect more with those I love?" "What does my ideal job look, feel and sound like?" Asking yourself questions like these give you energy and build momentum. I imagine that Helen Keller, early on, asked herself why she became blind and deaf?and I imagine that she learned quickly to ask herself more useful questions instead. Perhaps questions such as, "How can I capitalize on what I have?" "What do I want to do with what I have?" "How can I make a contribution to others?" "How can I serve others and improve their lives, even in a small way?" Perhaps these are the kind of questions that Helen Keller used to create the future that she truly desired to live.

Human beings, all of us, have an innate capacity to communicate on the most powerful levels. What set Helen Keller apart wasn't only her willingness to learn but also her discernment in recognizing the great teacher that Anne Sullivan was. The wisdom that Helen demonstrated in choosing to be Anne's student is worthy of consideration. Long before Helen was ready to teach the world, she was ready to be taught. Helen was a brilliant student long before she was a renowned speaker and teacher. To get to that point required Helen to exercise patience and wisdom.

The Power of Simple Adjustments To Change Your Life and Future

Now, what about you? What do you want to learn about the power of language and how to language your future? You can learn to make a few simple adjustments in your ongoing communications that will profoundly alter the outcomes you are able to generate. Adjustments such as using clean language to keep everything that is in the past?well, in the past. For instance, instead of saying to yourself, "Every time I make a presentation at work, I freeze up," say to yourself, "Up until now, when I have made presentations at work, I have frozen up." In the first instance, you unintentionally would have "re-installed" the beliefs and behaviors that you do not want. In the second instance, you appropriately recognize that what you have done in the past is simply what is done and over with. Minimally you allow for the possibility of something different happening! You make room for what you want.

Another slight adjustment that would give you leverage is to use "cleaner" language. Instead of saying, "Every time I make a presentation at work, I freeze up," say to yourself, "It used to be, that when I made presentations at work, I often didn't do as well as I would have liked. I am glad I can learn how to be a more effective communicator." Notice how the two different statements generate different internal experiences for you. And then realize that our internal experiences greatly affect our external behaviors?and that our behaviors lead to our outcomes.

This Puts The Odds In Your Favor

What might be a likely response if you complained to your significant other, "We never spend any time together. What is the matter with us?" On the other hand, communicating what you do want instead is more likely to bring about a desirable outcome? "I would like for us to spend some more time together this week. How about going to a movie with me this Friday night?"

When you communicate clearly what you desire-- to yourself and others-- you put the odds greatly in your favor of getting what you desire. Most human beings spend the vast majority of their time thinking about and making mental images of what they do not want. And then they wonder why they keep getting more of what they do not want! Our brain and our mind, on conscious and unconscious levels will move towards the mental images we create. When someone says to themself, "I just don't seem to have the money to get ahead," he or she makes mental pictures of just that-not having enough money to get ahead--and unintentionally re-installs the beliefs and behaviors that will create more of the same.

Pay attention to what you communicate to yourself and others because you are taking it all in unconsciously. More than that, you are literally programming your future behaviors-the very behaviors that will generate outcomes. Why not decide now that you will learn how to communicate to yourself and others on levels that will make it easier and easier for you to generate the rewarding outcomes that you deserve?

For those of you who want to truly learn how to master the art of languaging your future, give me a call, or drop me an e-mail at:

All the best,

Alan Allard
114 East Van Buren Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540

P.S. Let me know what is on your mind. I look forward to hearing from you.

P.S.S. I was just talking to a client who met with me for just one session about a month ago. He expressed great surprise at how his life has changed so much so quickly, and asked me how that was possible. What I told him was simply that there are things that can be learned, and used with ease, that make all the difference in the world. And if Helen Keller could learn what she did, without being able to see and hear..

Alan Allard, M.A., is a Life and Business Coach offering Private Coaching, Seminars and Keynote Presentations. He teaches others how to rapidly achieve levels of "unconscious competency" and to go well beyond their current level of success. Alan has a Masters degree and post graduate training in Counseling, Clinical Psychology and Family Therapy. He is also a Certified Hypnotherapist. Free Coaching e-Letter at:

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