The Reasons Why We Fear Success

In the book, The SHOCKwealth System?, it is discussed that there are four fears that must be overcome in order to experience true success. One of those fears is the fear of success itself. The Fear Of Success is the self-sabotaging fear.

Have you ever come close to actualizing a goal that you have put forth--- only to walk away from it or sabotage it when it appeared that victory was finally near?

The fear of success is what I refer to as ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and WORMS (Deep seated, unconscious beliefs and fears that act like computer viruses) in the Principles outlined in the SHOCKphilosophy?. You may fear spiritual enlightenment; successful relationships, success in finances, success in health and so on. Regardless of what kind of success you fear, it's an insidious fear virus that must be dealt with as pervasively as the fear itself.

Do you recognize these ANTs?:

? Mo money, mo problems

? I won't know how to manage all of that money

? My parents or grandparents had money and they are miserable because of it

? I don't have the education to be rich

? God, my religion says that I should be poor and live below my means

I'm sure you can add to the list. Here are a few more reasons why we fear success in life?


When I was a Personal Trainer, I had a fellow trainer who used to tell me that he didn't want to become too successful or rich. In fact, he said, 'I just want to be comfortable.' Whatever the hell that means. He continued to explain to me why he didn't want wealth and success in life. 'I don't want to become too rich or successful because that is when people start coming after you.'

I thought about what he said and he is partially right. As Dr. John F. Demartini once said, "Life doesn't become easier, it only becomes more accountable." You've heard the phrase, "To whom much is given, much is required?" That is a fact and this is why the SHOCKphilosophy & the SHOCKprocess? is liberating so many lives. It gives you a tool or a weapon against the counter-thoughts/beliefs toward your desired level of success.

What if you had a process that could quickly identify the type of fear you have toward success and began the process of neutralizing that fear or finding how that fear serves your higher good and best interest?

With wealth, success, happiness and just being highly competent at anything, creates an accountability and responsibility to be the best that you can be at what you wish to be. Learning how to harness the power of the fear of success rather than run away from it requires a process, a SHOCKprocess. But, once you understand that fear is and always will be your best friend, you are no longer hindered by fear you are forever liberating from fear.

The Fear of the Unknown

We fear success because we have never been successful at that which we wish to become successful, so there is an inherent fear of the unknown or the 'What if.'

If I asked you to go into a darkened room where you could not see your hand before your face and you didn't know if there were ceilings or floors but you heard the sound of a growling tiger ? what would you feel? What if I told you that in this room are billions of combinations that can make you instantly rich, improve your health, rekindle your current relationship or help you find the love of your life ? what would you do? Would you go it this room and at least check it out?

Would you take the chance? Most people would not and this is the essence of the Fear Of Success. As I discuss in the SHOCKphilosophy? most people have ANTs, or Automatic Negative Thoughts that automatically hinder them and talk them out of their greatness and potential for success, wealth and happiness.

By identifying what your individual, unconscious fear looks like, you will be able to transcend repeat failure and trends in your life.

The Fear of Public Scrutiny/Resentment

Yes, it is true; poor-minded people hate rich-minded people. Notice I said, 'poor-minded.' Not all poor people hate the rich and wealthy, but if you haven't been watching the news lately, you may have noticed that it is an all out war on those who have publicly announced their wealth.

If you are a Celebrity, a successful Entrepreneur, a noted Author on wealth, or have become so rich in business that it has garnered media attention, you will more than likely be put on public display to defend your so-called, 'SHOCKwealth?.'

The message that the media sends out to the masses is, 'Don't get too big or rich for your britches, or we will come after you and expose your innermost turmoil to the public.' This dynamic creates and breeds a WORM; that causes us to fear success at the public level. There was even a Rap Song made famous by P Diddy and Biggie Smalls called, 'Mo Money, Mo Problems.'

Do you have the fear of success? Would you like to know how to identify and neutralize this deep seated fear/belief? Check out the SHOCKphilosophy?, and signup for the next SHOCKprocess? Focus Group to truly begin to identify and neutralize your WORMS and ANTs ? the fear of success.

? 2004 The SHOCKpublishing Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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