Tiger Woods Secret to Success

Did you see or hear about 'The Masters' golf tournament this past weekend?

What an incredible ending and what an incredible victory by Tiger Woods.

Whether you're a fan of golf or not, there's something about Tiger's MINDSET that has helped him unleash his greatness.

I want to share with you a brief but powerful success insight that Tiger Woods has used to win big and create a fortune.

You ready?


I was reading a few articles on his recent victory and something caught my attention.

I'm going to share it with you here and then comment.


Looks like -- despite some shaky swings on the final two pressure-packed holes in regulation -- the changes Woods has made under the supervision of instructor Hank Haney are paying off. After all, a major victory is a major victory.

"Well, any time you make changes in your game, it's not going to be an immediate success," Woods said. "Did I probably take a step back? Yeah, probably did in '98 too, end of '97, all of '98 and the beginning of '99, almost two years where I didn't really do anything in the game of golf.

"Then again, once those changes kicked in, I had a pretty good run, won 17 times on tour," he said.

We might be headed for that kind of streak again.


When I was young and just started my entrepreneurial career, all I wanted was immediate gratification.

This zest for immediate results had me living paycheck to paycheck for years.

Almost 5 years ago, at 27 years old, I realized I had an error in my 'success philosophy'.

Tiger is making the same point that took me years to discover.

SUCCESS and making mon.ey takes time.

You need to ditch the 'immediate gratification' mindset and take the LONG TERM VIEW.

Look at what Tiger says.

It took him a few years to get his game where he wanted it to be and then 'the changes kicked in' and he started getting MOMENTUM.

Too many people are taking the 'immediate gratification' view and they NEVER get momentum in their life.

The way you make a fortune and win big is by tapping into MOMENTUM.

You start getting 6 months of results in 30 days. But first you have to pay the price.

In 'The Ultimate Lifestyle Workshop,' I share how, by taking the 'Long Term View', I built a million dollar plus business that's changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. YOU can do the same.

This never could have happened if I expected it all to happen in a week.

It took me years to really get focused and to get consistent and what really has helped me is 'The Power of Concentration Success System'.

Do you really want to unleash your greatness and become financially fr.ee?

If you do, you need to give yourself some time.

Give yourself a year or longer.

Allow yourself to learn from failing.

YOU can do something great.

You really can.

If you're making $2,000 a month, make your next goal $3,500, not $20,000.

Do the same for any level of income you're at now.

We've all heard 'inch by inch everything is a cinch'.

In 'The Ultimate Lifestyle Workshop,' I share how I discovered the 'mindset' that all successful people use to make mon.ey. You can copy this mindset and reap great results.

Be like Tiger.

Give yourself TIME to succeed.

You're going to SEE great things happen in your life when you do.

Greatness starts by saying "YES!" to an opportunity.

Make your move.

Talk to you soon.

Mike Litman www.mikelitman.com

Mike Litman is the co-author of the #1 Best-selling book Conversations with Millionaires. Over the last 3 years, Mike has unleashed the greatness of tens of thousands of people worldwide. Networking Times Magazine called Mike Litman 'a modern day Napoleon Hill' and at the age of 30 he's already shared the stage with well-known speakers such as Mark Victor Hansen and Bob Proctor.

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