Trusting The Higher Self

As very few people achieve enlightenment in one lifetime, as the both the subconscious mind, which has a drive to destroy and the conscious mind are very resistant to suggestions from the Higher Self. This is because messages from the Higher Self mostly manifest as gut feelings and hunches and the "orders" often are often perceived by the conscious mind to be irrational or impossible to attain. However, if you live by the belief that we live in a universe where there is a supply for every demand than nothing in theory nothing is impossible to attain. When you find yourself in a hopeless situation I find repeating the mantra "With God all things are possible. Spirit is never too late!"

The conscious mind is very absorbed with the self. It is the self that is hugely responsible for creating blocks to prosperity.

There are many blocks to prosperity that are created by the personality. The personality's resistance to the calls of the Higher Self can be represented by a few phrases:

"I am not good enough." This is common in a personality that suffers from low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. In this case, there is an inner critic present, probably from childhood that constantly insists that the individual is paid what they are worth -- next to nothing.

"What if I fail?" This is a terrible block as it persuades the subconscious mind to attach fear to success. This kind of personality needs approval from others and is constantly weaving something that backfires into the best of plans. This kind of person is always jumping for the brass ring, and missing it by half a centimeter.

"There is not enough time." Your Higher Self loves clich?s such as "the universe is unfolding as it should." But the personality is impatient. This kind of person feels overwhelmed and doesn't put plans in effect because they don't have the ability to create the time to plan their projects and goals. These kinds of individuals often encounter a prosperity block that takes the form of a treadmill - living paycheck to paycheck.

Another common block to prosperity has to do with habit. Many people have been raised to feel guilty if they supersede the success of their family and friends. For many, it is somehow safer and more secure to stay at a certain level of income rather than try and get rich. Fear and guilt prevent these individuals from realizing their full potential, as subconsciously they believe that success will lead to loneliness.

Removing prosperity blocks is not easy and usually requires a long talk between your Higher Self and your personality. You can do this in a meditation by visualizing your perfect you (your Higher Self) having a conversation with your personality. Let your personality express its fears and see what your Higher Self has to say about the matter. This is one way to create a larger self-awareness as well as recognize chronic habits and patterns that may be depriving of you of money.

Many of us don't trust our higher selves because we often think we have been trusting our higher selves all along and it is exactly those hunches and gut intuitions that have led us to our bad financial situation in the first place.

Usually this perception is a delusion as primal desires and attachments from the subconscious drive the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is greedy, primal and loves to destroy.

Also often what most of us perceive, as hunches are actually compulsions and emotions coloring our judgment. There is no anxiety attached to a true message from the Higher Self. Many of us actually have gut instincts that have been damaged by events from child hood so we often hear "faux" calls to action.

The best way to make financial choices and decisions is with a mind that is clear of all emotions. Messages from the Higher Self are not usually attached to any kind of "heady", compulsive or emotional feeling. In fact, a feeling of elation might be a warning that your judgment is off the mark and maybe the product of disturbed brain chemistry.

When you are in dire straits financially and at an absolute loss as to what to you might want to try a sincere prayer. As Lisa Simpson once said "Prayer is the last refuge of rascals and scoundrels.'

The most common way to release a burden is to cast it up to God or a higher power. Some people also refer to this as "giving it to the universe.' The prayer usually is worded something like this;

"Please God, this is too much for me. Whether I am naughty or nice, I am still your child and I ask to be taken care of. Please help me to resolve this situation and if it can't be resolved than help me to accept it. If there is loss, than please have this loss replaced by its equivalent or better. Amen."

You also might want to try Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Violet Flame ritual. According to this great visionary and metaphysician's spiritual practice, the violet flame is a metaphor for the ability of the Higher Self to wipe out or erase problems. It is a way of casting the burden of your problems for the universe to take care of. I usually light a violet candle and picture all of my burdens, anxieties and resentments being transformed into positive energy by the power of the flame. This lovely ritual greatly relieves strength and appears to aid one in bypassing the personality so that you can access the inspiration and wisdom of the Higher Self. Its most therapeutic aspect is its intention to practice transmutation: all negative energy is transformed into positive manifestations aided by the power of the Divine Light.

Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here You can meet Samantha Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at

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